Germany: Reading out news about migrants is now seen as a crime by the left

AfD politician, Rainer Rahn, of the Frankfurt city council, was sued for racial incitement by the left-wing faction leader of “Die Linke” Martin Kliehm. Why? He had the audacity to read 30 newspaper headlines out loud.

In an interview with Frankfurt broadcasting, Martin Kliehm said the AfD member was trying to incite the people against refugees, Muslims and migrants. Hence, he sued him.

The reason for Rahn’s action was his criticism of SPD party migration officer Aydan Özoguz. Mr. Özoguz said that there is no German culture because it has always been influenced by outside influences and migration.

Mr. Rahn proceeded to say that you can see the daily results of Migration on the street. He then read 30 newspaper headlines from different papers, on proven or suspected crimes by foreigners, Muslims and migrants.

Many councilmen left the room because of it. Mayor Uwe Becker even went so far as to call him an embarrassment, followed by applause.

Kliehm says Mr. Rahn was using this platform to demean refugees and migrants across the board, calling them criminal and inferior. He further believes he may have disrupted the public peace with his words.

Mr. Rahn told the Frankfurt broadcasting station: “There are enough idiots suing someone every day for something. That’s nothing strange.” He further stated that it was now in the hands of the judicial process to investigate the claims and that he is not worried by it.

The only racial incitement he sees was inflicted by the politician Özoguz when he stated that there is no German culture. “That’s incitement of the people!”