BotCast #16 – DOPE

BotCast #16 Espionnage, de la torture approuvée, des fonctionnaires qui nous fourrent, journalistes arrêtés pour poser des questions, le président américain toujours au dessus de la loi, et Jean Charest avec un message spécial pour nous dire qu’il nous fourre. DOPE de Jugi en full surround pour votre toune de la fin!! Pour écouter en surround optionel: pour downloader le codec ou le Player surround. 27 juin 2007.

BotCast-0016.mp3 BotCast-0016.m3u,
Break: MWayne ‘subliminal’ Friedly, HallMark Hollidays (1:49)
OutTro: Jugi, DOPE (7:32) SURROUND
Remerciements: , et Le Pink Taco


-Show number           16
-Date    27 juin 2007

–  TacticalFM



Le BotCast with cheese   –


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-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de        MWayne ‘subliminal’ Friedly     HallMark Hollidays     1:49

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Tune:             Dope
Artist:              Jugi
Group:  Complex Media Labs
Year:             1996?
From demo:     Dope
Duration:         7:37
Type:             MOD
Channels:         28
Samples:         23 samples
Size:                1011
Patterns: 117,62 ,  different  19 unused

Details:            Je l’ai modified pour finaliser



Le restaurant Pink Taco est fier de présenter le “petit guide des pick-up lines qui vous garantiront une claque au visage”.

Vous y trouverez des exemples comme:

 – Venez vous passer la langue entre les lèvres au resto Pink Taco (ouvert 3 semaines sur 4)…: Vous y trouverez des exemples comme:
“Aye chérie, si je te ramène à la maison, ça me déranges pas que tu fake l’orgasme, moi je fake les préliminaires…”
“Comme ça, t’es encore vierge toi? Ca adonne bien, j’aime pas la critique…”
“Toi je te marierais tout de suite. Avec ta belle robe blanche, tu irais tellement bien dans ma cuisine avec mon four et frigo.”

Pink Taco, ouvert 3 semaines sur 4
(1:14:55 PM) Botrax: nice



Moé j’aime ça manger des Pink Taco… oh yeah…..


Look who owns U.S. debt now

Other nations hold a record 52% of it, leaving U.S. economy vulnerable.


Navy submariner pleads guilty to trying to sell classified data

A sailor accused of stealing a Navy laptop and peddling its classified contents to an undisclosed foreign government pleaded guilty today to espionage, desertion and other charges.


Hummer O2 concept brings shame to the nature-terrorizing brand

Filed under: Transportation




U.S. “Theft” of Mexican Territory

Did you know that until 1848 California, New Mexico and other portions of the Southwest were internationally recognized provinces of free Mexico, until the U.S. decided it wanted those provinces, declared war on Mexico, and stole them?


President Authorized Abu Ghraib Torture, FBI Email Says

Repeated references in an internal FBI email suggest that the president issued a special order to permit some of the more objectionable torture techniques used at Abu Ghraib and other US-run prison facilities around Iraq.


Un fonctionnaire fédéral refilait sa facture d’essence aux contribuables

Un fonctionnaire fédéral a utilisé, pendant cinq ans, une carte de crédit gouvernementale pour faire le plein d’essence présentait ensuite les dépenses comme des frais de déplacement.


New 9/11 Study Has Direct Links To Government, Pentagon Black Ops

A newly released Purdue University animation showing how fire caused the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11 claims to be independent but in reality has been federally funded and was conducted by individuals with direct links to the Pentagon and the White House.


Cheney ordered Secret Service logs destroyed, paper reports

“Experts in and out of government said Cheney’s office appears to have invented that designation, which alludes to “sensitive compartmented information,” the most closely guarded category of government secrets,” the Post adds. “By adding the words “treated as,” they said, Cheney seeks to protect unclassified work as though its disclosure would cause “exceptionally grave damage to national security.”


Hillary: woman with strained relationship with truth & “a very airbrushed view of herself”

During his research, Bernstein made a number of discoveries that clashed with the New York senator’s own account of her life. These include the fact that her father “humiliated and abused” his wife, that she kept failure in her bar exam secret for 30 years, and the extraordinary lengths she went to to suppress the details of her husband’s infidelities, which repeatedly threatened to derail his political career. This she did not only by hiring private detectives to investigate his lovers, but also by obtaining signed legal statements from them saying that they had not had sex with her husband.


Israeli Army of Cyber-Soldiers Target Our Right to Know

The Israeli government’s Foreign Ministry is involved in efforts to influence public opinion on the Internet. Israel’s Foreign Ministry orders Internet propagandists, so called “trainee diplomats,” to skew online polls and public forums to conform with the Israeli line.

(c’est plus un replicator qu’un transporter mais bon…)

Beam It Down From the Web, Scotty

PASADENA, Calif. — Sometimes a particular piece of plastic is just what you need. You have lost the battery cover to your cellphone, perhaps. Or your daughter needs to have the golden princess doll she saw on television. Now.

In a few years, it will be possible to make these items yourself. You will be able to download three-dimensional plans online, then push Print. Hours later, a solid object will be ready to remove from your printer.

It’s not quite the transporter of “Star Trek,” but it is a step closer.

Three-dimensional printers have been seen in industrial design shops for about a decade. They are used to test part designs for cars, airplanes and other products before they are sent to manufacturing. Once well over $100,000 each, such machines can now be had for $15,000. In the next two years, prices are expected to fall further, putting the printers in reach of small offices and even corner copy stores.

The next frontier will be the home. One company that wants to be the first to deliver a 3-D printer for consumers is Desktop Factory , started by IdeaLab, a technology incubator here. The company will start selling its first printer for $4,995 this year.


The Pirate Bay piraté

Des pirates ont réussi à voler une liste contenant 1,6 million de noms d’utilisateurs et de mots de passe appartenant aux internautes enregistrés au site The Pirate Bay.

Le site Internet, qui recense les fichiers de partage Bit Torrent, a annoncé sur son site Internet qu’un groupe appelé «Arga Unga Hackare» («Jeunes pirates en colère») avait réussi à s’emparer des informations.

«Ils ont une copie de notre base de données d’utilisateurs. C’est-à-dire, votre nom d’usager et votre mot de passe. Mais les mots de passe sont encryptés», dit The Pirate Bay sur son blogue ( ), qui précise: «ils sont très encryptés».

Un des responsables du site, Peter, a affirmé à un média suédois que les pirates avaient profité d’un «bogue de programmation», mais que celui-ci a été réparé.

N’empêche, le site Internet encourage ses utilisateurs à changer leurs mots de passe aussi vite que possible et, s’ils ont le même mot de passe à plusieurs endroits, à changer ceux-ci également.

Mon point par rapport a ca: pourquoi est-ce qu’ont utilise les médias canadiens pour essayer de retrouver un gars qui faisait du vol à l’étalage. Est-ce la vraie raison? Si oui, est-ce que c’est si plate que ça à Sherbrooke? Qu’elle est la vraie raison?

Était-il vraiment en train de magasiner?

Que faisait cet homme dans ayant l’air de faire son magasinage dans les allées d’une pharmacie? Du côté du Service de police de Sherbrooke, on croit qu’il s’adonnait à du vol à l’étalage.

Le suspect a été capté par des caméras de surveillance le 24 février dernier, vers 10 h, à la Pharmacie Fortier et Toutant (située au 103, rue Saint-Lambert à Sherbrooke). On rapporte à ce moment un vol à l’étalage.
Le SPS demande donc la collaboration du public afin d’identifier le suspect, un homme de race blanche d’environ 40 ans.
Il mesure 1,72 mère et pèse 85 kilos. Ses cheveux sont bruns.
Pour toute information à ce sujet, on peut contacter les enquêtes du SPS au 819 821-5544.




A roundhouse kick to credit card companies

Posted: March 19, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Though the fastest growing form of slavery is trafficking (recruited or forced transport of people into various types of oppression), the most common form of slavery is debt bondage, which ensnares tens of millions of people in loans they can never pay off.

Debt laborers

The slope to debt bondage (also known as “bonded labor”) begins by the simple slip of one assuming some form of debt as a term for employment. Once employed, the terms change and become more restrictive, the debt grows, and the employer takes coercive advantage over the employee. As time progresses, so do unfair work conditions and labor hours, and the balance due, accruing with insurmountable interest rates, hardly ever (if not never) reduces.



Le vendredi 25 mai 2007

Le Japon interdit le piratage des films


Le Japon s’est doté d’une nouvelle loi interdisant l’enregistrement pirate de films dans les salles de cinéma, a indiqué vendredi un porte-parole du Parlement.

La loi, promulguée mercredi, interdit l’enregistrement, notamment au moyen de caméscopes, pendant au moins huit mois après la sortie du film.

Selon la MPAA, le piratage de films au Japon a coûté 742 millions de dollars à l’industrie du cinéma en 2005.

La Cour suprême du Canada a décidé qu’un homme d’affaires canadien ne peut invoquer la Charte des droits et libertés pour contester les fouilles effectuées à l’étranger par la Gendarmerie royale du Canada dans le cadre d’une enquête internationale.

AT&T ‘Spy Room’ Documents Unsealed; You’ve Already Seen Them


A civil liberties group suing telecom giant AT&T for allegedly installing illegal secret surveillance rooms in its internet facilities at the behest of the National Security Agency published substantial portions of long-sealed case documents Tuesday.


Des agents de métro refusent d’intervenir

Presse Canadienne


Des agents de surveillance du métro de Montréal ne sont pas intervenus, lundi, à la station Berri-UQAM, lorsqu’un individu a battu sa conjointe devant eux.

La toute nouvelle présence des policiers dans le métro leur interdirait d’agir.


Virginia Introduces $3550 Speeding Ticket
Virginia legislator introduces new speeding ticket tax that boosts penalties beyond $3550, driving business to his traffic law firm.

Virginia motorists convicted of minor traffic violations will face a new, multi-year tax beginning July 1. Led by state Delegate David B. Albo (R-Springfield), lawmakers slipped a driver responsibility tax into a larger transportation funding bill signed by Governor Tim Kaine (D) in April. Albo, a senior partner in the Albo & Oblon, LLP traffic law firm, can expect to see a significant increase in business as motorists seek to protect their wallet from traffic tickets that come with assessments of up to $3000 in addition to an annual point tax that tops out at $700 a year for as long as the points remain.

Source: Civil Remedial Fees (Executive Secretary, Virginia Supreme Court, 6/21/2007)

Les visiteurs entrant aux États-Unis devront fournir leurs dix empreintes digitales à partir de la fin 2007, a annoncé P.T. Wright, un haut responsable du Département américain de la sécurité intérieure.

Des scanners d’empreintes digitales utilisant les technologies les plus récentes vont être testés à partir de la fin 2007 dans dix aéroports américains, dont celui de New York-John F. Kennedy, a-t-il expliqué lundi lors d’un déplacement à Bruxelles pour présenter le nouveau dispositif à l’Union européenne. L’actuel système de contrôle, en vigueur depuis 2004, requiert une photographie du visage et deux empreintes.


UN arms trade bill: US casts sole ‘no’ vote against

The United States, which is the world’s biggest exporter of arms and accounts for more than 50 per cent of all arms exports, on Wednesday became the only country in the United Nations to vote against letting work begin on a new treaty to bolster arms embargoes and prevent human rights abuses by setting uniform worldwide standards for arms deals. The vote in the 192-nation UN General Assembly was 153-1, with the United States casting the sole “no” vote.


Corruption, crime inside Homeland Security

Transportation Security Administration employees, including federal air marshals, found themselves arrested for stealing from passengers, child pornography, money laundering, and drug smuggling.


Cancer expert was paid by chemical companies

A leading scientist was paid by chemical companies while investigating the cancer risks of their products, it emerged yesterday.


Anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme – Québec et Ottawa accusés de négliger les droits des femmes et des plus démunis

À l’occasion de l’anniversaire de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’homme, des groupes ont distribué hier de mauvaises notes aux gouvernements canadien et québécois en matière de respect des droits des femmes et des plus démunis. Suite


Big Oil stiffs US billions in royalties

Almost every time a company drills for oil or gas on federal property, it’s supposed to pay a royalty or tax to the government , CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian reports. But CBS News has learned from a Congressional source that the federal agency responsible for collecting billions of dollars in those royalties has routinely failed to hold the companies accountable.


Rezko cash triple what Obama says

During his 12 years in politics, Sen. Barack Obama has received nearly three times more campaign cash from indicted businessman Tony Rezko and his associates than he has publicly acknowledged, the Chicago Sun-Times has found.


Israel destroys trees in Ertas village

Israeli soldiers destroy Palestinian fruit trees in Ertas village near Bethlehem to make way for the sewage facilities of a nearby illegal Israeli settlement. Despite the Palestinians inviting the soldiers for tea, their trees, from which they earn their living, are uprooted the next morning.


Top scientist debunks global warming

Solar activity is a greater driver of climate change than man-made carbon dioxide, argues Ian Plimer, Professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide and winner of several notable science prizes. “When meteorologists can change the weather then we can start to think about humans changing climate,” Prof Plimer said.


Reservations to receive FEMA trailers

American Indian tribes throughout the country will receive 2,000 unused trailers that were intended for but never given to Hurricane Katrina victims.


9/11 workers from Michael Moore film fear political attack

“It’s ridiculous after what we did for the city and the country on that day, that they won’t allow us to go 90 miles offshore to get treated,” said Reggie Cervantes, a 46-year-old EMT who worked with only a thin dust mask after the World Trade Center collapsed on Sept. 11, 2001.All three workers said they were denied treatment for various conditions by U.S. insurance companies that refused to pay for coverage. Each received treatment in Cuba.


Documents show US had propaganda campaign plan two months before invasion

Months before the US invaded Iraq, Pentagon planners were developing an elaborate propaganda campaign to ensure US government-“approved” information was broadcast to the Iraqi public, according to a previously classified White Paper released Tuesday by the independent National Security Archives.

The White Paper, prepared in January 2003, lays out plans to install American-friendly media with an Iraqi face and to silence local anti-US news outlets, referred to in the paper as “hate media.” Also released by the National Security Archives were a Power Point presentation outlining the goals of the media plan and other briefing materials.

Transformation of Iraq’s media would be accomplished by a Rapid Reaction Media Team, which planners envisioned as a bridge between the state-controlled outlets of Saddam Hussein’s regime and a long-term “Iraqi Free Media” network, which would broadcast America-friendly programming.



14 mai 2007 – 14h29
Le groupe d’électronique japonais Fujitsu a indiqué lundi avoir été choisi par un consortium de sept opérateurs japonais et américains pour renforcer les capacités d’un câble de transmission en fibres optiques sous-marin reliant le Japon aux États-Unis.

Le débit potentiel de ce câble sera plus que doublé par rapport à la configuration initiale pour atteindre 1,28 téraoctet par seconde (1280 gigaoctet par seconde), a précisé Fujitsu dans un communiqué.

Bush grants presidency extraordinary powers
Directive for emergencies apparently gives authority without congressional oversight

President Bush has signed a directive granting extraordinary powers to the office of the president in the event of a declared national emergency, apparently without congressional approval or oversight.

The “National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive ( )” was signed May 9, notes Jerome R. Corsi in a WND column.

It was issued with the dual designation of NSPD-51, as a National Security Presidential Directive, and HSPD-20, as a Homeland Security Presidential Directive.


WTC: accord sur les indemnités versées

New York

Le détenteur du bail du World Trade Center et ses assureurs ont trouvé un accord, mettant un terme à près de six ans de conflit sur la question des indemnités liées à la destruction du site le 11 Septembre 2001, a annoncé mercredi le gouverneur de New York.

Selon cet accord, qui met fin aux actions judiciaires en cours, les sept compagnies d’assurance s’engagent à payer 2 milliards de dollars de montant restant dû, au promoteur Larry Silverstein, détenteur du bail du WTC, en plus de quelque 2 milliards précédemment versés.

À l’issue de plusieurs recours, la justice avait déjà déterminé que la société Silverstein pouvait espérer jusqu’à 4,68 milliards. Jusqu’à présent, environ seule la moitié de cette somme avait été réglée, les assureurs contestant le versement du reste.

Dès après les attaques, le désaccord était apparu sur le montant des indemnités, Silverstein soulignant que les lieux ayant été victimes de deux attentats, cela signifiait toucher deux fois l’indemnité, soit deux fois 3,5 mds de dollars.

Le vendredi 25 mai 2007

De nouveaux détecteurs de mensonge high tech

Suzanne Schafer

Fort Jackson, Caroline du Sud

À l’«école du détecteur de mensonge», sur une base de l’armée américaine, on ne se contente pas de former des spécialistes capables de manier ces machines. On mène également des recherches sur de nouveaux systèmes sophistiqués censés permettre de confondre les menteurs.

L’Académie de la défense pour l’évaluation de la crédibilité (Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment – DACA), basée à Fort Jackson (Caroline du Sud), forme des experts au maniement du polygraphe, ou détecteur de mensonge, pour le compte de l’armée américaine et de 23 agences fédérales.

Une centaine de nouveaux experts du polygraphe, appelés «examinateurs», sortent chaque année de ce centre du département de la Défense. La DACA dispense également une grande partie des 80 heures de remise à niveau que chacun des 650 «examinateurs» travaillant pour les autorités américaines doit suivre une fois tous les deux ans.

Les «élèves» apprennent à étudier la tension, le rythme de la respiration et l’activité des glandes à l’origine de la transpiration, autant d’indicateurs supposés permettre de découvrir les signes d’un possible mensonge chez la personne interrogée. La formation dure 14 semaines.

Les soldats de la base servent de «cobayes». Reliés à des capteurs, les militaires sont interrogés lors d’exercices filmés, le détail de certaines de leurs réactions physiologiques apparaissant sur des écrans de contrôle. «Nos étudiants doivent apprendre à poser les bonnes questions pour voir si les soldats disent vrai ou pas», explique Bill Norris, directeur de la DACA.

Parallèlement, des chercheurs de l’académie testent de nouveaux appareils expérimentaux. La technique de l’imagerie thermique, qui mesure la température du visage de la personne interrogée à l’aide d’une caméra spéciale, est prometteuse par sa capacité à associer mensonge et changement de température de la peau, selon M. Norris.

Une autre technologie porte sur l’étude du mouvement de l’oeil devant une scène familière ou inhabituelle. «Les enquêteurs pourraient peut-être utiliser cette technique en montrant par exemple à une personne la photo d’une scène de crime» pour voir si elle la reconnaît, précise M. Norris.

Les chercheurs étudient également un système de «vibrométrie laser Doppler» qui analyse la contraction des muscles, la respiration et l’activité cardiovasculaire. Un laser pourrait ainsi être dirigé vers une artère du cou pour étudier le flux sanguin du sujet à distance, explique Debra Krikorian, biologiste moléculaire de la DACA.

Les cyberattaques sont-elles du terrorisme?


07 juin 2007 – 14h45
L’Estonie proposera à la réunion des ministres de la justice de l’Union européenne la semaine prochaine que les cyberattaques soient considérées par l’UE comme des actes de terrorisme, a indiqué jeudi le ministre estonien de la justice, Rein Lang.

«Nous sommes partisans d’assimiler de telles choses à des actes terroristes, comme le font maintenant les Américains», a déclaré M. Lang lors d’une conférence de presse.

«Je m’attends à une discussion très intéressante sur ce point» lors de la réunion mercredi, a-t-il ajouté.

Le Premier ministre estonien Andrus Ansip a réitéré lors de la même conférence de presse ses accusations selon lesquelles plusieurs attaques informatiques contre des sites d’institutions estoniennes, survenues après le déplacement fin avril d’un monument soviétique à Tallinn, étaient lancées depuis les ordinateurs du Kremlin.

MM. Lang et Ansip ont affirmé que ces attaques, indépendamment du fait que le Kremlin en soit conscient ou non, avaient été bien organisées et constituaient une grave atteinte à la sécurité.

«Ces attaques sont venues directement des adresses IP du bureau du président russe», a affirmé M. Ansip.

«Si les ordinateurs (du Kremlin) étaient utilisés non-intentionnellement, cela veut dire que les ordinateurs de l’administration russe peuvent servir à des attaques criminelles», a déclaré M. Lang.

Moscou a démenti une quelconque implication dans les cyberattaques massives qui avaient forcé les autorités estoniennes à fermer temporairement l’accès à leurs sites internet. Plusieurs attaques avaient aussi visé des intérêts privés, comme les banques.

À lire aussi:

– Acte de guerre cybernétique contre l’Estonie? (,12399,0,052007,1357277.html&ref=recherche )
– Cyberattaques: l’Otan a aidé l’Estonie (,12399,0,052007,1355313.html&ref=recherche )
– Les cyberattaques se multiplient (,12399,0,052007,1354996.html&ref=recherche )
– Estonie: l’Otan enquête sur les cyberattaques (,12399,0,052007,1354281.html&ref=recherche )
– Les cyberattaques risquent de se multiplier (,12399,0,052007,1354280.html&ref=recherche )
– Cyberattaque contre une banque estonienne (,12399,0,052007,1354282.html&ref=recherche )

Reporter Arrested on Orders of Giuliani Press Secretary Charged with Criminal Trespass Despite Protest of CNN Staff and Official Event Press Credentials at GOP Debate in New Hampshire

Manchester, NH – Freelance reporter Matt Lepacek, reporting for, was arrested for asking a question to one of Giuliani’s staff members in a press conference. The press secretary identified the New York based reporter as having previously asked Giuliani about his prior knowledge of WTC building collapses and ordered New Hampshire state police to arrest him.

Jason Bermas, reporting for America: Freedom to Fascism, confirmed Lepacek had official CNN press credentials for the Republican debate. However, his camera was seized by staff members who shut off the camera, according to Luke Rudkowski, also a freelance Infowars reporter on the scene. He said police physically assaulted both reporters after Rudkowski objected that they were official members of the press and that nothing illegal had taken place. Police reportedly damaged the Infowars-owned camera in the process.

Reporters were questioning Giuliani staff members on a variety of issues, including his apparent ignorance of the 9/11 Commission Report, according to Bermas. The staff members accused the reporters of Ron Paul partisanship, which press denied. It was at this point that Lepacek, who was streaming a live report, asked a staff member about Giuliani’s statement to Peter Jennings that he was told beforehand that the WTC buildings would collapse.


Le FBI s’attaque aux PC zombies

Marie-Eve Morasse
14 juin 2007 – 16h17

La police fédérale américaine a recensé plus d’un million d’ordinateurs qui servent de PC zombies aux criminels qui oeuvrent sur Internet.

C’est dans le cadre de son opération «Bot Roast» que le FBI a trouvé des réseaux d’ordinateurs zombies qui permettent d’envoyer des millions de pourriels, de voler des identités et d’attaquer des sites Web.

Les propriétaires de ces ordinateurs, dont on a retracé les adresses IP, seront contactés par le FBI, qui estime qu’il s’agit une «menace grandissante à la sécurité nationale».

«La majorité des victimes ne sont même pas au courant que leur ordinateur a été attaqué ou que leur information personnelle est utilisée», dit James Finch, co-directeur de la division informatique au FBI.

Bien qu’elle ait l’intention de contacter les gens dont les ordinateurs ont été infectés, la police fédérale américaine avertit toutefois qu’elle ne contacte jamais les gens par Internet et qu’elle ne demande pas d’informations personnelles.

«Méfiez-vous des fraudeurs qui demandent ce type d’information, surtout par courriel», écrit le FBI dans un communiqué.

Le FBI exhorte en outre les gens à protéger leurs ordinateurs en installant des antivirus efficaces et en étant vigilants dans leur utilisation d’Internet.

Jusqu’ici, l’opération «Bot Roast» a mené à l’arrestation de trois personnes qui auraient utilisé des réseaux de PC zombies à des fins criminelles.

La plus connue des trois personnes arrêtées est sans doute Robert Soloway, 27 ans, surnommé le «roi du pourriel».

L’homme de Seattle aurait utilisé des PC zombies pour envoyer des millions de pourriels entre 2003 et 2007.

À lire aussi :

Le «roi du pourriel» arrêté aux États-Unis

DHS Acknowledges Own Computer Break-Ins

Associated Press Writer


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Homeland Security Department, the lead U.S. agency for fighting cyber threats, suffered more than 800 hacker break-ins, virus outbreaks and other computer security problems over two years, senior officials acknowledged to Congress.

In one instance, hacker tools for stealing passwords and other files were found on two internal Homeland Security computer systems. The agency’s headquarters sought forensic help from the department’s own Security Operations Center and the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team it operates with Carnegie Mellon University.

In other cases, computer workstations in the Coast Guard and the Transportation Security Administration were infected with malicious software detected trying to communicate with outsiders; laptops were discovered missing; and agency Web sites suffered break-ins.

The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., said such problems undermine the government’s efforts to encourage companies and private organizations to improve cyber security.

“What the department is doing on its own networks speaks so loudly that the message is not getting across,” Thompson said.

Congressional investigators, expected to testify Wednesday during an oversight hearing about the department’s security lapses, determined that persistent weaknesses “threaten the confidentiality, integrity and availability of key DHS information and information systems,” according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office being released later in June.

The Homeland Security Department’s chief information officer, Scott Charbo, assured lawmakers his organization was working to prevent such problems.

“We need to increase our vigilance to ensure that such incidents do not happen again,” Charbo wrote in testimony prepared for Wednesday’s hearing. “The department takes these incidents very seriously and will work diligently to ensure they do not recur.”

The computer problems disclosed to the House Homeland Security subcommittee occurred during fiscal 2005 and fiscal 2006, and occurred at DHS headquarters and many of the department’s agencies, including TSA, the Coast Guard, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Customs and Border Protection and others.

The subcommittee’s chairman, Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I., said break-ins to government computer networks and theft of information are “one of the most critical issues confronting our nation, and we must deal with this threat immediately.”

All the problems involved the department’s unclassified computer networks, although DHS officials also have acknowledged to lawmakers dozens of incidents they described as “classified spillage,” in which secret information was improperly transmitted or discussed over nonsecure e-mail systems.

How to Identify Misinformation


How can a journalist or a news consumer tell if a story is true or false?  There are no exact rules, but the following clues can help indicate if a story or allegation is true.

  • Does the story fit the pattern of a conspiracy theory?
  • Does the story fit the pattern of an “urban legend?”
  • Does the story contain a shocki ng revelation about a highly controversial issue?
  • Is the source trustworthy?
  • What does further research tell you?

Does the story fit the pattern of a conspiracy theory?

Does the story claim that vast, powerful, evil forces are secretly manipulating events?  If so, this fits the profile of a conspiracy theory.  Conspiracy theories are rarely true, even though they have great appeal and are often widely believed.  In reality, events usually have much less exciting explanations.

The U.S. military or intelligence community is a favorite villain in many conspiracy theories.

For example, the Soviet disinformation apparatus regularly blamed the U.S. military or intelligence community for a variety of natural disasters as well as political events.  In March 1992, then-Russian foreign intelligence chief Yevgeni Primakov admitted that the disinformation service of the Soviet KGB intelligence service had concocted the false story that the AIDS virus had been created in a US military laboratory as a biological weapon.  When AIDS was first discovered, no one knew how this horrifying new disease had arisen, although scientists have now used DNA analysis to determine that “all HIV-1 strains known to infect man” are closely related to a simian immunodeficiency virus found in a western equatorial African chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes troglodytes.  But the Soviets used widespread suspicions about the U.S. military to blame it for AIDS.  (More details on this.)

In his book 9/11: The Big Lie, French author Thierry Meyssan falsely claimed that no plane hit the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.  Instead, he claimed that the building had been struck by a cruise missile fired by elements within the U.S. government.  No such vast conspiracy existed and many eyewitness accounts and evidence gathered on the scene confirmed that the hijacked airliner had struck the building.  But, nevertheless, the book was a best-seller in France and has been translated into 19 languages, demonstrating the power that even the most groundless conspiracy theories can have.  (More details on 9/11: The Big Lie.)

Does the story fit the pattern of an “urban legend?”

Is the story startlingly good, bad, amazing, horrifying, or otherwise seemingly “too good” or “too terrible” to be true?  If so, it may be an “urban legend.”  Urban legends, which often circulate by word of mouth, e-mail, or the Internet, are false claims that are widely believed because they put a common fear, hope, suspicion, or other powerful emotion into story form.

For example, after the September 11 attacks, a story arose that someone had survived the World Trade Center collapse by “surfing” a piece of building debris from the 82nd floor to the ground.  Of course, no one could survive such a fall, but many initially believed this story, out of desperate hope that some people trapped in the towers miraculously survived their collapse.  (More details ( on this.)

Another September 11 urban legend is that an undamaged Bible was found in the midst of the crash site at the Pentagon.  In reality, it was a dictionary.  But, if a Bible had survived unscathed, that would have seemed much more significant, and been seen by many as a sign of divine intervention.  (More details ( on this.)

Since 1987, the false story that Americans or others are kidnapping or adopting children in order to use them in organ transplants has been widely believed.  There is absolutely no evidence that any such event has ever occurred, but such allegations have won the most prestigious journalism prizes in France in 1995 and Spain in 1996.  (More details on this.)

This urban legend is based on fears about both organ transplantation and international adoptions, both of which were relatively new practices in the 1980s.  As advances in medical science made organ transplantation more widespread, unfounded fears began to spread that people would be murdered for their organs.  At the same time, there were also unfounded fears about the fate of infants adopted by foreigners and taken far from their home countries.  The so-called “baby parts” rumor combined both these fears in story form, which gave it great credibility even though there was absolutely no evidence for the allegation.

In late 2004, a reporter for Saudi Arabia’s Al Watan newspaper repeated a version of the organ trafficking urban legend, falsely claiming that U.S. forces in Iraq were harvesting organs from dead or wounded Iraqis for sale in the United States.  This shows how the details of urban legends can change, to fit different circumstances.  (More det

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