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TiteBot #15. LastCall_ joint Botrax pour une petite liquidation d’infos (19 janvier 2009) TiteBot-0015.mp3 TiteBot-0015.m3u
Top judge charged with exposure
Lord Justice Richards has been charged with two counts of exposure relating to allegations of two separate incidents on trains in south-west London in 2006.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/mar/03/1 (cache)
China warns Negroponte on Taiwan arms sales
China warned visiting US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte that plans to sell American missiles to Taiwan threatened to harm Sino-US ties, a Chinese spokesman said Saturday.
http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/261829/1/.html (cache)
Auto theft is up in Sarasota
Police officers say there are several reasons for the rise in numbers, including what they call “rock rentals.” that’s where people exchanging drugs for their cars, then reporting the vehicle stolen.
Borrowing from China to give to israel
Israel is again lobbying our Congress for its annual handout. If past behavior is any indicator, Congress will borrow the money (from China) to provide Israel an aid package worth over $5 billion. This represents one-third of our foreign aid in spite of the fact Israel makes up only 0.001 percent of the world’s population, and has one of the world’s higher per capita incomes.
Extremist rabbis call for return of animal sacrifice
A fringe group of extremist rabbis wants to resume the biblical practice of animal sacrifice at an explosive religious site in Jerusalem, members said Wednesday.
Lebanon uncovers European-run spy network
Israel’s intelligence service, the Mossad, has been working under the cover of European intelligence agencies’ names, the newspaper said. It appears that the Mossad was doing the same thing with the recently uncovered network, it added. Last June, Lebanon uncovered a “terror network” that was used by the Mossad to carry out attacks inside Lebanon, mainly against Hezbollah and Palestinian resistance groups.
http://futuremovement.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21687 (cache)
B’nai Brith demande à Ottawa de poursuivre Ahmedinejad
B’nai Brith Canada demande au gouvernement canadien d’ajouter sa voix à celles qui réclament que le président iranien, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, soit poursuivi pour incitation au génocide du peuple juif.
http://www.radioactif.com/nouvelles/nouvelle-b_nai_brith_canada_demande-9158-2.html (cache)
Le journaliste décédé à Moscou enquêtait sur des ventes d’armes à la Syrie
Moscou — Le journaliste russe Ivan Safronov, mort en tombant du quatrième étage de son immeuble à Moscou, enquêtait sur des ventes d’armes russes à la Syrie et à l’Iran, a écrit hier son journal, le quotidien russe Kommersant, qui doute qu’il se soit suicidé. Suite
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2007/03/07/133801.html (cache)
Les Américains admettent être imparfaits
Washington — Les États-Unis ont reconnu pour la première fois des imperfections en matière de droits de l’homme, notamment en ce qui concerne leur réaction aux attentats du 11-Septembre, dans leur rapport annuel sur le sujet publié hier par le département d’État. Suite
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2007/03/07/133804.html (cache)
Gonzales, Mueller admit FBI broke law
The nation’s top two law enforcement officials acknowledged Friday the FBI broke the law to secretly pry out personal information about Americans. They apologized and vowed to prevent further illegal intrusions.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/10/AR2007031000324.html (cache)
Cocktail of additives found in child medicines
Children’s medicines contain a cocktail of additives which are banned in food and drink aimed at under-threes, says a report out today from the Food Commission.
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/mar/10/health.children (cache)
President Authorized Abu Ghraib Torture, FBI Email Says
Repeated references in an internal FBI email suggest that the president issued a special order to permit some of the more objectionable torture techniques used at Abu Ghraib and other US-run prison facilities around Iraq. The email was among a new batch of FBI documents revealed by civil rights advocates on Monday.
http://newstandardnews.net/content/index.cfm/items/1348 (cache)
Undertaker begins broadcasting funerals over the internet
An undertaker in Northern Ireland has begun broadcasting funerals over the internet so that people can mourn a deceased loved one no matter where in the world they are at the time of the funeral
http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/31223/103/ (cache)
80% of Federal Agencies Flunk E-FOIA Test
According a report published today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University, only on in five government agencies complies with the 1997 law that requires them to make much public information available on the web and clearly post procedures for obtaining information and making so-called “sunshine requests” under the FOIA.
ur<x>l: http://digg.com/tech_news/80_of_Federal_Agencies_Flunk_E_FOIA_Test (cache)
http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB216/index.htm (cache)
Humiliation and Child Abuse at Israeli Checkpoints
The Israeli policy appears to target only Christian and Muslim children, and is equally applied to those with Israeli citizenship and citizenship in other countries, including native-born Americans. There are no reports of Jewish children being strip-searched.
http://www.imemc.org/article/47428 (cache)
Lawyer: news outlet has escort list
A federal judge ruled Friday that a former escort service owner cannot sell phone records and other documents that could be used to publicly identify thousands of her clients. ADVERTISEMENT Palfrey’s civil attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, said Friday he does not believe the judge’s order bars him from distributing copies of the phone records for free.
http://www.cnn.com/2007/LAW/03/16/madam.clientlist/index.html (cache)
Inebriated crooks leave behind digital snapshots of themselves
It’s one thing to lose track of all the peripherals you need to gank whilst stealing a gaming console, but to leave behind digital snapshots of yourself at a crime scene is on an entirely different level of dumb. In a case filled with Darwin award nominees, a team of self-incriminating thieves managed to break into private property and jack about “$5,000 worth of expensive alcohol, inc
http://www.engadget.com/2007/03/18/inebriated-crooks-leave-behind-digital-snapshots-of-themselves/ (cache)
Environmentalist Gore allowed zinc mine
Al Gore has profited from zinc mining that has released millions of pounds of potentially toxic substances near his farmstead
http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2007-03-18-goremine_N.htm (cache)
Toddler ill from dad’s smallpox shot
A 2-year-old boy and his mother contracted a rare, life-threatening infection from his soldier father’s smallpox vaccination, according to a published report.
http://archives.chicagotribune.com/2007/mar/17/news/chi-0703170122mar17 (cache)
AT&T/Cingular blocks cellular customers from free conference call services
AT&T;/Cingular customers are starting to report that they can no longer make outgoing calls to a number of free conference calling services. Cingular confirmed to Ars that the company has begun to block these calls.
ur<x>l: http://digg.com/tech_news/AT_T_Cingular_blocks_cellular_customers_from_free_conference_call_services (cache)
http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2007/03/attcingular-blocks-cellular-customers-from-free-conference-call-services.ars (cache)
Global Warming: Moving Towards Metrosexuals
The latest point of emphasis in the global warming movement is that cattle farming endangers the planet by producing too much methane. So now, steaks and hamburgers are classified as instruments of destruction, along with large vehicles, lawn mowers, and charcoal grills. It can’t be much longer before cowboy movies, cigars and hockey are held to be enemies of the earth as well.
http://www.nationalledger.com/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi?archive=10&num=12158 (cache)
Computer tech wipes out info on $38 BILLION fund
Perhaps you know that sinking feeling when a single keystroke accidentally destroy hours of work. Now imagine wiping out a disc drive containing an account worth $38 billion. That may be how a computer technician at the Alaska Department of Revenue feels after deleting applicant information for an oil-funded sales account.
ur<x>l: http://digg.com/tech_news/Computer_tech_wipes_out_info_on_38_BILLION_fund (cache)
http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2007-03-20-alaska-data_N.htm?csp=34 (cache)
New fire boat sinks before going on its first run
The city’s $385,000, state-of-the-art fire boat sank Wednesday, still tied up at a dock and without ever being put to use.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17722595/ (cache)
Global Warming: Moving Towards Metrosexuals
The latest point of emphasis in the global warming movement is that cattle farming endangers the planet by producing too much methane. So now, steaks and hamburgers are classified as instruments of destruction, along with large vehicles, lawn mowers, and charcoal grills. It can’t be much longer before cowboy movies, cigars and hockey are held to be enemies of the earth as well.
Global Warming: Moving Towards Metrosexuals
By Daniel Clark
Mar 17, 2007 Bookmark and Share
The latest point of emphasis in the global warming movement is that cattle farming endangers the planet by producing too much methane. So now, steaks and hamburgers are classified as instruments of destruction, along with large vehicles, lawn mowers, and charcoal grills. It can’t be much longer before cowboy movies, cigars and hockey are held to be enemies of the earth as well.
This has got to be the most blatant assault on guyhood since ABC moved Coach to the same night as Roseanne, and turned Hayden Fox into Phil Donahue. It’s a wonder that liberals don’t cut to the chase, by simply claiming that global warming is caused by testosterone. Then, they could make public school nurses siphon the offending fluid from the boys during health class.
Many environmentalists believe that the earth is a living organism, personified by the Greek goddess Gaia. Conveniently, it turns out that Gaia is a shrew, who demands that her men be reduced to henpecked, metrosexual noodles. Manliness makes Gaia angry, and we wouldn’t like her when she’s angry, because she’ll turn into a green monster and start smashing everything to bits. Hell hath no fury like an earth goddess exposed to excessive cattle-produced methane emissions.
Wouldn’t it be more plausible if a few items like styling gel, latte makers and tofu were said to destroy the planet as well? Perhaps, but that would not serve the purpose of expanding the base of the global warming movement. Since no liberal cause can produce much support on its own, any one of them must ally itself with all other liberal causes, so that they can pool their resources.
That’s why it’s almost impossible to distinguish the original purpose of a left-wing political rally. What starts out being an ‘anti-war’ demonstration will invariably become an convention of environmentalists, gun control advocates, pro-abortionists, animal rights activists, racial Balkanists, and outright Communists, because that’s the only way to prevent the size of the crowd from being laughably small. Therefore, environmental alarmists must incorporate other causes within their own, in order to keep their core of support relatively large and energized. Clearly, they’ve determined their alliance with the feminists to be vital to these ends.
It’s not coincidental that the icon of the global warming movement is former vice president Al Gore, who, during the 2000 presidential campaign, sought advice from feminist author Naomi Wolf on how to become an “alpha male.” Needless to say, she did not suggest that he scarf down a steak sandwich while sitting behind the wheel of a riding mower. Instead, her solution was to dress him in earth tones, as if obsessing over his wardrobe was any way to attain guydom. Never is it manly to ask, “does this make my butt look big,” even if you want the answer to be yes.
For Wolf to tell Gore that he’d become an “alpha male” just by wearing the right clothing is a little like a mother patronizing her young child. She probably got the idea when Gore put a bucket over his head and said, “Look, Ms. Wolf, I’m an astronaut,” and she replied, “Yes, of course you are, dear.”
Images of global destruction being more powerful than images of normalcy and stability, Gore and friends are bound to win the competition for people’s emotions. Hence, they are now deterring any analysis of the issue, by calling skeptics “global warming deniers,” a not very subtle comparison to neo-Nazis. If we succumb to this intimidation like a bunch of namby-pamby rice cake eaters, the debate will be lost for good.
Thus, the global warming movement seeks to repress guyhood in order to perpetuate itself. If a guy is shown a picture of a sad-looking polar bear adrift on an ice floe, his first thought will be something like, “I’ve heard that bear steaks are tough, but maybe if you marinated them in beer, they’d turn out all right.” At that point, the alarmists’ emotional ploy is foiled. In a world without guy stuff, however, his vacant mind may be invaded by irrationalities like, “Who will take care of the
polar bears’ children?”
In this chicken-and-the-egg scenario, the success of the global warming movement is both the cause and effect of our society’s emasculation. It would have never gotten this far if the “Nineties Man” hadn’t paved the way. When “I feel your pain” became a successful presidential campaign slogan, we should have known that charcoal-grilled steaks would soon be on the endangered list.
Daniel Clark is a Staff Writer for the New Media Alliance.