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BotCast #41 TestDummy est Botrax relatent des jokes sur Michael Jackson au cours de l’émission pour le comémorer. On défait les mensonges médiatiques sur l’Iran tout en s’aventurant dans les fouilles virtuellement à nu, des fausses arrestations pour faire peur au monde, les conséquences de la masturbation, et une fille qui perd la moitié de sa virginité. www.mp3surround.com ou www.Winamp.com pour écouter en surround. (26 juin 2009) BotCast-0041.mp3 BotCast-0041.m3u
Break: Frank Klepacki, “In Deep”, http://www.frankklepacki.com/
OutTro: Reed Richards, “Just one night” , http://reed.cc/
Remerciements: www.TacticalFM.com, et les funérailles de Michael Jackson.
VIDEO STREAM: BotCast #41 http://www.livestream.com/31337/ondemand/pla_2881615548600308794?initthumburl=http://mogulus-user-files.s3.amazonaws.com/ch31337/2009/06/26/7f3e50fb-d050-44bf-8b7f-e71b6fae582b_2500.jpg&playeraspectwidth=4&playeraspectheight=3
VIDEO DOWNLOAD: BotCast #41 1/2
VIDEO DOWNLOAD: BotCast #41 2/2
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[wpfilebase tag=file path=’BotCast/2009/BotCast-0041-2of2.flv’ tpl=download-button /]
[wpfilebase tag=file path=’BotCast/2009/BotCast-0041-1of2.flv’ tpl=flv-player /]
[wpfilebase tag=file path=’BotCast/2009/BotCast-0041-2of2.flv’ tpl=flv-player /]
Biased Pirate Bay Judge Judged by More Biased Judges
To determine if the verdict in the Pirate Bay case was biased, the connections of Judge Tomas Norström to national and international pro-copyright lobby groups will be reviewed by another judge. However, the judge that was initially appointed has already been replaced because she was linked to the same organizations as Norström, and her replacement
http://digg.com/tech_news/Biased_Pirate_Bay_Judge_Judged_by_More_Biased_Judges (cache)
http://torrentfreak.com/biased-pirate-bay-judge-judged-by-more-biased-judges-090520/ (cache)
Bush’s ‘smoking gun’ witness found dead of ‘apparent suicide’
The group IndictBushNow.org says Colin Powell used Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi’s “tortured and knowingly fabricated testimony to tell the United Nations that Saddam Hussein’s government was helping al-Qaeda develop weapons of mass destruction to kill Americans. It was all a lie.”
IndictBushNow.org is joining with the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund and the ANSWER Coalition to demand full disclosure of the facts surrounding the man’s death.
ur<x>l: http://www.tehrantimes.com/index_View.asp?code=195006 (cache)
A Sample of Health Insurance CEO Compensation
Aetna’s Ron Williams – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $24,300,112
CIGNA’s H. Edward Hanway – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $12,236,740
URL: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389×5690433
Despite the trials and tribulations of the past year, there are several executives still raking in quite a few dollars at the end of the day. This is a look at some of the top total compensation packages from 2008 based on information gathered from the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission.
Aetna’s Ron Williams – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $24,300,112
Details: Williams earned $24,300,112 in total compensation for 2008, with more than half of that ($13,537,365) coming from option awards. He also received an additional $6,456,630 in stock awards to go along with his base salary of $1,091,764.
Personal use of a corporate aircraft and vehicle, as well as financial planning and 401(k) company matches added up to $101,487 for Williams.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/aetna-stock-falls…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/aetna-pay-5m-over…
<3> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/aetna-will-pay-20…
<4> http://www.fiercehealthit.com/story/aetna-enters-phr-ma…
CIGNA’s H. Edward Hanway – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $12,236,740
Details: Hanway took a significant pay cut from 2007 to 2008, due mainly to a drop off of more than $11 million in his non-equity incentive plan compensation. Still, his base salary of $1,142,885 surpasses that of Aetna’s Williams, and is supplemented by just over $3.6 million in option awards, and just over $820,000 in non-qualified deferred compensation earnings.
Also, nearly $21,800 in “other compensation” included the use of a company car with a driver, in-office meals, and emergency assistance services relating to medical exams.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/cigna-first-quart…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/cigna-aetna-de…
UnitedHealth Group’s Stephen Hemsley – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $3,241,042
Details: An $895 million class-action lawsuit over stock-option back dating <1> aside, Hemsley still manages to make the cut for this list at No. 10. The UHG CEO’s base salary was $1.3 million in 2008, to go along with a non-equity incentive plan compensation worth just over $1.8 million and “other compensation” amounting to slightly more than $119,000.
Hemsley’s other compensation was a combination of the company matching his contributions under the 401(k) plan and the company matching contributions under his executive savings plan. According to the SEC, “in May 2006, the amount of Hemsley’s supplemental retirement benefit was frozen based on his current age and average base salary and converted into a lump sum of $10,703,229.” Because of this, “there was no increase in the benefit payable to Mr. Hemsley under his supplemental retirement benefit” in 2008.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/unitedhealth-s…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/unitedhealth-fina…
<3> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/united-healthcare…
<4> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/unitedhealth-s…
WellPoint’s Angela Braly – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $9,844,212
Details: Braly, like Williams, earned more money in 2008 ($9,844,212) than in 2007 (9,094,271), increasing her option rewards by nearly $1.5 million, and also receiving a $200,000-plus bump in base salary, from $922,269 to $1,135,538. Braly’s stock awards dropped from $2,160,159 to $1,750,015 because, according to the SEC, “performance-based restricted stock units awarded in 2008 were cancelled because our ROE target for 2008 was not met.”
Braly’s “other compensation” comprised use of a private jet for her and her family on business trips, just under $10,000 for legal services relating to her employment agreement and cash credits.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/health-plans-n…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/wellpoint-push…
<3> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/story/wellpoint-loses-m…
Coventry Health Care’s Dale Wolf – CEO Compensation
Total Compensation: $9,047,469
Details: Wolf is the only CEO on this list who is no longer employed with his associated health plan; he retired from his position on Jan. 30 <1> of this year after serving in that role since Jan. 1, 2005, and was replaced by former CEO Allen Wise.
Wolf, whose total compensation dipped quite a bit from 2007 ($14,869,823) to 2008 ($9,047,469), was pleased with the direction the company was headed in at the time of his departure.
“I am proud of what a talented group of people have accomplished over the past 13 years of my association with the company,” Wolf said, “and I am confident that the fundamentals which are in place today will carry the company forward to continued success.”
Wolf carried a base salary of $965,000 in 2008, and earned just over $1.9 million in stock awards. His “other compensation,” which amounted to $486,447, included transportation on the company’s airplane, a company match retirement savings plan and a company match 401(k) plan.
Source URL:
<1> http://www.fiercehealthcare.com/press-releases/dale-wol…
<2> http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/if-health-plan…
FCC’s Warrantless Home Searches Alarm Experts
You may not know it, but if you have a wireless router, a cordless phone, remote car-door opener, baby monitor or cellphone in your house, the FCC claims the right to enter your home without a warrant at any time of the day or night in order to inspect it.
http://digg.com/tech_news/FCC_s_Warrantless_Home_Searches_Alarm_Experts (cache)
http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2009/05/fcc-raid/ (cache)
Teen who auctioned her virginity for £8,000 may lose half… because prostitutes in Germany are taxed at 50% of earnings
Tax authorities in Germany are poised to claim 50 per cent of the money that a teenage student earned for ‘auctioning’ her virginity because they claim it was ‘tantamount to prostitution’.
Romanian-born Alina Percea, who is a student in Germany, was paid £8,800 in cash for a weekend of sex with the Italian businessman after she auctioned her virginity online.
But tax officials in Berlin regard the 18-year-old’s act as ‘nothing more than prostitution’.
Prostitution is legal in Germany – but it is heavily taxed.
ur<x>l: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1185928/Teen-auctioned-virginity-8-000-LOSE-half–prostitutes-Germany-taxed-50-earnings.html
Teen who auctioned her virginity for £8,000 may lose half… because prostitutes in Germany are taxed at 50% of earnings
By Allan Hall
Last updated at 2:04 AM on 22nd May 2009
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Alina Percea
Student Alina Percea auctioned off her virginity to the highest bidder on a German website – but now she may lose half her earnings to taxes
Tax authorities in Germany are poised to claim 50 per cent of the money that a teenage student earned for ‘auctioning’ her virginity because they claim it was ‘tantamount to prostitution’.
Romanian-born Alina Percea, who is a student in Germany, was paid £8,800 in cash for a weekend of sex with the Italian businessman after she auctioned her virginity online.
But tax officials in Berlin regard the 18-year-old’s act as ‘nothing more than prostitution’.
Prostitution is legal in Germany – but it is heavily taxed.
‘It is not a moral standpoint but a fiscal one,’ an official said. ‘Prostitution is not an illegal act in Germany, but not paying tax on earned money is.
‘Consequently we are assessing her case and it looks likely she will have to pay around half of the sum she gained.’
The Romanian-born computer studies student’s visa allows her to work in Germany for 90 days – even as a prostitute.
One tax expert said: ‘Even if she was taxed as a purveyor of erotic moments, or whatever she wants to call what she did, she would have to pay tax on it. Prostitution is merely a means for the bureaucrats to pin her down for a claim.
‘She would have been better off keeping quiet about this strange transaction.’
It also emerged that, because Alina earned so much in such a short time, she may even be liable for a hefty VAT bill too.
VAT in Germany works out to 19 per cent, meaning the sale of her virginity could land her with just over £3,000 in the end.
‘When we have hard figures then we can make an accurate assessment,’ said a German inland revenue spokesman.
Alina, who studies in Mannheim, told how a 45-year-old Italian businessman took her virginity with unprotected sex at a luxury Venetian hotel.
‘I liked the man and got on with him well. He didn’t look 45, and he seemed much younger.
* ‘I was attracted to him, so I enjoyed it’: Teen who auctioned off virginity for £8,800 reveals details of her first time
‘We spoke in English as I can’t speak Italian and he can’t speak Romanian.
He paid me a lot of compliments throughout the day, and he was very funny and charming. We got on very well, and I was pleased he’d won,’ said Alina.
‘We kissed, then undressed each other. I’d never done that before, so I was nervous. He laid me on the bed and started kissing my body, then we had sex. I was attracted to him, so I enjoyed it, even though it was quite painful.
‘We only had sex once, then fell asleep. Next morning, we had breakfast together like any other couple, and I took the morning-after pill. He told me he’d like to see me again, and I agreed.
‘I hope to see the man again – and next time I won’t make him pay,’ she added.
Ottawa va de l’avant avec les fouilles à nu virtuelles
Tristan Péloquin
La Presse
Tout porte à croire que des fouilles à nu virtuelles auront bientôt lieu dans les aéroports canadiens. Malgré la controverse mondiale qu’ils génèrent, des scanners capables de voir à travers les vêtements seront installés dans sept aéroports du pays d’ici 2010, confirme l’Administration canadienne de la sûreté du transport aérien (ACSTA).
http://www.cyberpresse.ca/actualites/quebec-canada/national/200905/05/01-853666-ottawa-va-de-lavant-avec-les-fouilles-a-nu-virtuelles.php (cache)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMMXO_GmWw0 (cache)
Le Kosovo adhère au FMI
Le Kosovo a franchi un grand pas vendredi vers son intégration à la communauté internationale en obtenant son adhésion au Fonds monétaire international (FMI), première instance majeure à l’intégrer parmi ses membres.
Le FMI a annoncé dans un communiqué que la République du Kosovo allait devenir son 186e membre, après un vote favorable des Etats membres en ce sens. Il devrait être suivi par l’institution soeur du Fonds à Washington, la Banque mondiale, qui a déjà un bureau à Pristina.
ur<x>l: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/international/europe/200905/08/01-854821-le-kosovo-adhere-au-fmi.php (cache)
Quatre hommes arrêtés pour avoir planifié des attentats à New York
La justice américaine a annoncé jeudi l’arrestation et l’inculpation de quatre Américains, accusés de planifier des attaques terroristes contre des objectifs militaires et une synagogue à New York, huit ans après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 aux États Unis.
Quatre hommes ont été arrêtés à New York et inculpés de complot terroriste contre des objectifs militaires et deux synagogues à New York, une affaire qui survient en plein débat sur la sécurité aux États-Unis huit ans après les attentats du 11 septembre.
ur<x>l: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/international/etats-unis/200905/20/01-858338-quatre-hommes-arretes-pour-avoir-planifie-des-attentats-a-new-york.php (cache)
Are Your Reusable Cloth Grocery Bags Crawling With Bacteria?
Shoppers have been advised to bring their own bags or buy one of the reusable cloth kind, available for about 99 cents at every grocery checkout. But now those who make the plastic tote sacks are fighting back with a study they say shows those so-called ‘green bags’ aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.
The Canadian Plastics Industry Association hired two independent labs to study the reusable gear. Their findings: 64 per cent of so-called eco-friendly bags were contaminated by some level of bacteria.
ur<x>l: http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_34736.aspx (cache)
Fake Diplomas Found at U.S. Army Aviation & Missile Command
In Part 1 of our Taking Action Investigation, WHNT NEWS 19 showed you how fake degrees have infiltrated the enlisted ranks of the U.S. Army.
Now, our investigation reveals this breach of trust goes all the way to the top civilian ranks at Huntsville’s Redstone Arsenal.
ur<x>l: http://adap2k.blogspot.com/2009/05/fake-diplomas-found-at-us-army-aviation.html (cache)
CIA Discovered Planning “Soft Revolution” in Early 2009
TEHRAN, Jan. 19 (Mehr News Agency) — Iran has broken up a CIA-backed network that sought to carry out a “soft revolution” in Iran through people-to-people contacts.
The “soft revolution” plan is based in Dubai and is similar to a U.S. plan that targeted the Soviet Union in 1959, the director of the counterespionage department of the Intelligence Ministry told reporters at a press conference here on Monday.
ur<x>l: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=20090624&articleId=14082
He said the CIA was seeking to implement the plan under the cover of scientific and cultural contacts between Iranian and U.S. nationals.
Unfortunately, some Iranian nationals, especially cultural and scientific figures, were deceived through such activities, he added.
“The U.S. intelligence agency was seeking to (repeat) its experiences of color revolutions through such public contacts with influential persons and elites.”
The CIA tried to attain its goals by taking advantage of people-to-people contacts, joint studies, efforts to share scientific experiences, and other similar projects, he added.
The soft revolution plan was carried out through “NGOs, union protests, non-violent demonstrations, civil disobedience… and (efforts to) foment ethnic strife” all across Iran, the official stated.
Four of the people who led the network inside Iran were actively and intentionally cooperating with CIA agents, he noted.
These four persons were put on trial, some others were pardoned, and some others were acquitted due to lack of sufficient evidence, he explained.
These four persons confessed and videotapes of parts of their confessions will be released soon, he noted.
He only named two of the persons, the brothers Dr. Arash Alaei and Dr. Kamyar Alaei.
The Intelligence Ministry official said that $32 million of the $75 million allocated by the U.S. Congress to destabilize Iran was spent on this project.
The CIA used institutions such as the Woodrow Wilson Foundation, the Soros Foundation, AIPAC, and charity organizations and sought the help of William Burns and other people in the United States and agents in the Azerbaijan Republic, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait.
He stated that the CIA enlisted scientists, physicians, university professors, clergymen, artists, athletes, and dress designers for its plot.
He went on to say that these people were invited to the United States in groups of 10-15 people, with visas issued for them in Dubai in the shortest possible time, and according to their professions, they participated in scientific seminars and toured various states, and when they returned home they were asked to write “analyses” of the situation inside Iran.
The CIA was actively seeking to recruit more people for the network, who also would have been invited to visit the United States, he added.
These persons were ordered to put pressure on the government to change its policy and to sow discord between the government and the people, he explained.
The Intelligence Ministry found out about the secret plan from the very beginning and “even allowed the operation to be conducted to a (certain level) so that we could inform talented people with full confidence that they should not be deceived by such scientific centers,” he stated.
The Iranian Intelligence Ministry countered the plot by “infiltrating” the network and even derailed it from its path by providing false information, but the CIA eventually discovered the ruse, he explained.
Advice for Obama
The official advised the incoming U.S. administration to avoid repeating the previous “failed” policies toward Iran.
He made the remarks one day before Barack Obama is officially inaugurated as the next U.S. president.
The Intelligence Ministry official said the U.S. is discrediting its scientific and charity organizations by allowing the CIA to use them as cover for its activities.
“It is not in the interests of scientific and political institutions (to allow themselves) to be used by the CIA for its hidden agenda.”
Employing such organizations to conduct spy activities will create skepticism about them that will be very difficult to eliminate, he noted.
Mousavi, Celebrated in Iranian Protests, Was the Butcher of Beirut
He may yet turn out to be the avatar of Iranian democracy, but three decades ago Mir-Hossein Mousavi was waging a terrorist war on the United States that included bloody attacks on the U.S. embassy and Marine Corps barracks in Beirut.
ur<x>l: http://blogs.cqpolitics.com/spytalk/2009/06/mousavi-celebrated-in-iranian.html (cache)
China wants Ahmadinejad election recognized
By Mitch Moxley THE WASHINGTON TIMES | Tuesday, June 23, 2009
URL: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/jun/23/china-wants-ahmadinejad-election-recognized/ (cache)
FLASHBACK – Q&A: “U.S. Funding Armed Groups to Overthrow Iranian Govt”
Author of the upcoming book “The Iran Agenda: the Real Story of U.S. Policy and the Middle East Crisis”, due for release in September from Polipoint Press, Reese Erlich recently spent three weeks investigating Kurdish resistance organisations in Iran and Iraq’s Kurdish region. He tells IPS that “the United States is officially funding armed groups to overthrow the Islamic government” in Tehran.
ur<x>l: http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=36961 (cache)