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BotCast #11PREMIÈRE ÉPISODE EN MP3 SURROUND!!!!!!!! On vous présente des plants de marijuana indestructibles, des taxes d’essence sur l’huile à frire, des juges qui s’exposent, et des rats cyborgs volants. Pour écouter le cast en son surround, visitez www.mp3surround.com pour downloader le codec ou le Player surround. Pas grave si vous n’avez pas de Surround, ça joue pareil sur votre lecteur MP3 standard. 17 mars 2007. NOTES & ARTICLES
BotCast-0011.mp3 BotCast-0011.m3u
Break: Benoit Campeau, Jack the coon www.BenoitCampeau.com
OutTro: DeltaX, The Waterfalls of sin
Remerciements: www.Simple-Net.ca et les nettoyeurs de refrigérateurs Zool
-Show number 11
-Date 17 mars 2007
– Nettoyeurs de refrigerateurs Zool
Le BotCast with cheese –
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-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de Benoit Campeau, Jack the coon 4:26
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Tune: Waterfals of sin
Artist: DeltaX
Group: NOISE
From demo:
Duration: 6:05
Type: S3m
Channels: 16
Samples: 28
Size: 794k
Patterns: 71,66 ,20 unused different
Google Brainwashing Teachers
Google Teacher Academy brainwashes teachers to become Google Certified talking heads, drilling the usefulness of Google.com and its product base into the brains of students from the age range of 5 to 18 years old.
URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Google_Brainwashing_Teachers
Canada troops battle 10-ft Afghan marijuana plants
“We tried burning them with white phosphorous — it didn’t work. We tried burning them with diesel — it didn’t work. The plants are so full of water right now … that we simply couldn’t burn them,” he said.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Judge: Jurors need not see evidence, must take FBI suspicions “on faith”.
In his instructions prior to closing arguments in the Albany “terror sting” case (pizza shop owner allegedly agrees to launder money for missile sale to terrorists; such “contract” allegedly witnessed by local imam), U.S. District Judge Thomas McAvoy told the jurors that the FBI’s “certain valid suspicions” about the defendants had prompted the federal sting. However, under the current regulations, jurors could neither hear nor consider the evidence that prompted the sting operation in the first place; the validity of the FBI’s “suspicions” must be taken on faith.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
71 lacs contaminés au Québec
Le problème des cyanobactéries prend de l’ampleur au Québec, alors que le nombre de lacs touchés a augmenté en un an de plus de 40 % à l’échelle provinciale et de 50 % sur la rive nord du fleuve. Suite
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/10/17/120616.html
GOP Uses Remarks to Court JewsMoran’s Comments Cited in New Appeal Republicans have seized on the assertion of Rep. James…
URL: http://www.ziopedia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1960&Itemid=0
Pentagon closes Guantánamo Bay hearings to media
Reporters will be barred from hearings that begin Friday in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, for the 14 suspected terrorists who were transferred last year from secret CIA prisons, officials said Tuesday.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
La création du SCRS n’aurait pas accru la sécurité
Le Canada n’est pas devenu plus sûr parce qu’on a dépouillé la Gendarmerie royale du Canada de sa responsabilité en matière de collecte du renseignement et qu’on l’a confiée au SCRS (le Service canadien du renseignement de sécurité). Au contraire, c’est devenu un endroit plus dangereux, soutient un ancien haut gradé de la GRC.
URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070307/CPMONDE/70307264/1019/CPACTUALITES
Latest Microsoft WGA Update Phones Home
According to tests conducted with an Ethernet sniffer program, if the user clicks the close button to cancel the installation of this WGA update, Windows sends information back to Microsoft. This information includes version numbers of both Windows and WGA, the language of the operating system, some registry information, and a cookie.
URL: http://digg.com/security/Latest_Microsoft_WGA_Update_Phones_Home
Chinese defector reveals that China has over 1,000 spies in Canada alone
Most of these are economic spies, stealing technologies, such as the Blackberry cellphone, which was copied last year by a Chinese company and called the Redberry. The thefts cost over $12 Billion dollars per year to Canadian companies.
URL: http://digg.com/security/Chinese_defector_reveals_that_China_has_over_1_000_spies_in_Canada_alone
Plus de 100 agents de la GRC ont commis des infractions
Plus de 100 policiers de la Gendarmerie royale du Canada ont été trouvés coupables d’infractions diverses depuis deux ans, selon un relevé divulgué par Sun Media.
URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070313/CPFRONTPAGETEST/70313061/1019/CPACTUALITES
YouTube is killing my business!
Utube, YouTube, whose tube?A company, which sells used machinery for making tubes has seen its site utube.com knocked off line by millions of online searchers looking for the video site.
URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/YouTube_is_killing_my_business
Abolition contestée
Les groupes de défense des immigrants dénoncent l’abolition du programme de contestation judiciaire par le gouvernement de Stephen Harper. Le programme, qui recevait 3,2 millions par année du gouvernement fédéral, servait à financer les démarches judiciaires de groupes minoritaires qui se sentaient lésés dans leur droit à l’égalité garanti par l’article 15 de la Charte des droits canadienne, tels les francophones hors Québec, les femmes, des immigrants ou des réfugiés. Suite du texte réservée aux abonnés
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/10/14/120423.html
Police accuse Israeli president of rape
Israel said today its police force had acquired evidence suggesting President Moshe Katsav had raped and molested women who worked for him.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Ashcroft: Bush should be trusted not to abuse new powers
n the following MSNBC video, former Attorney General John Ashcroft says that President Bush should be trusted not to abuse new powers granted to him by Congress.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Catholic Priest Claims Relationship With Foley
A Catholic priest told The Sarasota Herald-Tribune on Wednesday that he had an intimate two-year relationship with former Representative Mark Foley of south Florida when Mr. Foley was a teenage altar boy.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Senior judge charged with exposing himself on trains
One of the most senior judges in Britain has been charged with exposing himself to two women on trains, police said yesterday.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
State makes big fuss over local couple’s vegetable oil car fuel
Wetzel uses recycled vegetable oil, which he picks up weekly from an organization that uses it for frying food at its dining facility.”They told me I am required to have a license and am obligated to pay a motor fuel tax,” David Wetzel recalled. “Mr. May also told me the tax would be retroactive.”Since the initial visit by the agents on Jan. 4, the Wetzels have been involved in a struggle with the Illinois Department of Revenue. The couple, who live on a fixed budget, have been asked to post a $2,500 bond and threatened with felony charges.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Are YOU Breaching iTunes EULA?
The End User License Agreement for Apple’s iTunes music player software states that their software is not allowed to be used for the manufacture of missiles, nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons. What were they on when they wrote their EULA?
URL: http://digg.com/apple/Are_YOU_Breaching_iTunes_EULA
Priests to Purify Site After Bush Visit
Mayan priests will purify a sacred archaeological site to eliminate “bad spirits” after President Bush visits next week, an official with close ties to the group said Thursday.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Confessions of a Torturer: The story of Army interrogator Tony Lagouranis
It was his desire to learn Arabic as well that took him to Iraq.And there, as an army interrogator, he tortured detainees for information he admits they rarely had. Since leaving Iraq he’s taken this story public, doing battle on national television against the war’s architects for giving him the orders he regrets he obeyed.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Study Shows Internet to Be Resilient Against Terror Attack
Researchers have simulated what would happen to Internet reliability in the United States if terrorists were able to knock out various physical components of the network. The good news is that it would be very difficult to cause major disruptions across the country, although destruction of some key parts could seriously degrade Internet quality.
URL: http://digg.com/security/Study_Shows_Internet_to_Be_Resilient_Against_Terror_Attack
Apple’s Sense of Humor: “Do not Eat iPod Shuffle”
We can only assume that Apple had a pica-sufferer on staff when they decided to render the advice highlighted above (that’s a real screengrab from the iPod Shuffle website, by the way — isn’t Apple funny?)
URL: http://digg.com/apple/Apple_s_Sense_of_Humor_Do_not_Eat_iPod_Shuffle
Verizon: “Unlimited bandwidth means 5GBs or less or we cancel your account”
Verizon offers an “unlimited” wireless data download service. Specifically, it’s limited to five gig per month. After that, you get fined $175 and your account is cancelled. “The people who cancel your account … don’t know how to answer your questions, they just know how to accuse their customers of downloading porn.”
URL: http://digg.com/tech_news/Verizon_Unlimited_bandwidth_means_5GBs_or_less_or_we_cancel_your_account
The Ultimate Open Source Licence: Do What the F**k You Want To License
Title says it all.Now if only we could get Apple and Microsoft to Adopt this licence. LOL.By the way its the Third licence, Click it to read it. * Shared Source License for IronPython * Python Software Foundation License Version 2 * Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License * ElementTree License
URL: http://digg.com/linux_unix/The_Ultimate_Open_Source_Licence_Do_What_the_F_k_You_Want_To_License
http://www.nwowatcher.com/ebooks/%5Bconspiracy%5D.The.Illuminati.Formula.Used.to.Create.an.Undetectable.Tot al.Mind.Controlled.Slave.pdf
A 30-year-old Scotsman sued the sender of a single spam message and received more than $2600 in court.
Une ex-croupière raconte son entraînement à vider les compulsifs
Une ancienne croupière du Casino de Charlevoix, Eléonore Mainguy, publie un livre qui explique comment elle a été entraînée à vider les poches de ses clients, sans tenir compte de leur détresse.
URL: http://www.cyberpresse.ca/article/20070309/CPACTUALITES/70309025/1019/CPACTUALITES
Paris Hilton : le blackout
La Presse
On le sait, on vous en parle trop. Mais cette fois-ci, c’est pour une excellente raison.
Du 19 au 27 février, Associated Press a tenté un <> de cette célèbre insignifiante en refusant de relayer toute information la concernant.
Résultat : zéro plainte.
Comme quoi le vaste public peut très bien vivre sans voir sa face. Malheureusement, le 27 février, AP a été obligée d’en parler, à cause de son arrestation pour conduite en état d’ébriété.
Mais au moins, l’expérience a été faite, et AP jure qu’elle continuera à exercer son jugement journalistique dans son cas. Croisons les doigts.
Hospital Equipment Unaffected By Cell Phone Use, Study Finds
March 12, 2007 Although cellular telephone use has been prohibited in hospitals because of concerns of interference with medical devices, a new study by Mayo Clinic researchers shows that calls made on cellular phones have no negative impact on hospital medical devices, dispelling the long-held notion that they are unsafe to use in health care facilities. Three hundred tests were performed over a five-month period in 2006 using two cellular phones, which used different technologies from different carriers and 192 medical devices. Not a single problem was found. The study’s authors say the findings should prompt hospitals to alter or abandon their bans on cell phone use. ..
Students at the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai (Bombay) have been told that the college will be turning off the free internet access provided on the campuses 13 student hostels from 11pm to 12.30pm; in an effort to promote socialization and early bed times for undergraduate students
An undercover investigation by BBC News finds that China has a flourishing trade of organs from executed prisoners. China is becoming the destination of choice for rich foreigners in need of organ transplants. One hospital said it could provide a liver for about $100,000.
China has more executions than any other country in the world. Officials told undercover reporters that executions increase prior to national holidays, so many organs are available around those times.
The following video report features hidden camera footage of organs being sold in China.
Video unavailable, what a surprise
LinuxChix.org – A linux community of WOMEN??
LinuxChix is a community for women who like Linux, and for women and men who want to support women in computing. The membership ranges from novices to experienced users, and includes professional and amateur programmers, system administrators and technical writers.
URL: http://digg.com/linux_unix/LinuxChix_org_A_linux_community_of_WOMEN
Florida Police Shot Suspected Cop Killer 68 Times
Officers fired 110 rounds of ammunition at the man suspected of killing a sheriff’s deputy, killing the suspect, according to an autopsy released by the sheriff’s office.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Michael Chertoff and Dept. of Homeland Security has been fingered again as a co-conspirator. Elements of a secret French anti-terror…
URL: http://www.ziopedia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1790&Itemid=0
Michael Chertoff and Dept. of Homeland Security has been fingered again as a co-conspirator. Elements of a secret French anti-terror team just busted a Mossad operation which was designed to bomb the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, Maryland in the first week of October.
In the early morning hours of September 21, 2006, an unmarked white van was stopped by Maryland State Police driving north and south and back and forth through the Fort McHenry Tunnel.
After being stopped by the police the individual was detained after it took the driver of the van fifteen minutes to produce an Israeli passport, now expired, and an international drivers license also expired.
In the backseat of the van was a computer laptop and fifteen different types of sophisticated cameras. Also found in the backseat was a notebook with the Washington D.C phone number to Homeland Security and the phone number to Cable News Network (CNN 2028987900).
The Israeli citizen was then sent to the Maryland Co-Ordination and Analysis Center for further interrogation.
Note: The phone call that tipped the Maryland State Police came from 1-800-LaFayette-Save America.
After twelve hours of interrogation it can now be reported that the Head of Homeland Security, Michael Chertoff, and criminal Attorney-General Gonzales, ordered the release of the Israeli citizen claiming diplomatic immunity for an individual that had an expired drivers license and passport.
It can now be reported that the individual Israeli was a member of an advance team of Mossad that had been ordered to bomb the McHenry Tunnel in early October. This dovetails to a secret meeting on Sept. 12, 2001, at the Hay-Adams Hotel in Washington D.C. in which elements of both British and Israeli Intelligence discussed with a representative of Dick Cheney alleged National Security issues.
When is alleged Vice-President Dick Cheney going to turn over his Energy Taskforce notes from Feb. and Mar. 2001 showing Cheney and Con Rice were actually negotiating with the Osama Bin Laden-Taliban government of Afghanistan for an oil pipeline deal through Afghanistan.
These negotiations were happening seven months before Sept. 11, 2001 Attack On America.
Of course the current President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karazai, was formerly a UNICAL executive.
As Governor of Texas, Bushfraud, on three occasions, invited Taliban officials to visit the Governor’s Mansion.
So when is Cheney going to turn over these Energy Taskforce notes?
Don’t hold your breath just ask the Gang of Five on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Retired New Jersey Police Commander Allan Duncan, been hired by 9-11 widows, has now completed his report on 9-11 and named Michael Chertoff co-conspirator in Obstruction of Justice, i.e. the events of Sept. 11.
Mossad Agent Chertoff, as then U.S. Attorney in Bergau County, New Jersey in 1998 helped drop charges against an Egyptian arms dealer named Elamir Magy.
Magy was the subject of a DEA sting operation called Diamondback, which had fingered Magy and his Egyptian arms dealer handler aka Moshen for narcotics and arms dealing in the New Jersey area.
It can now be reported that both Magy and Moshen were actually Mossad agents and FBI Informants.
Both were also involved and connected to Osama Bin Laden’s alleged terror network and the smuggling of nuclear suitcase-type explosives into the USA.
Despite protests from former President Bill Clinton and former Vice-President Albert Gore Jr. the two Egyptian arms dealers aka Mossad agents were allowed to go free and the charges dropped i.e. direct communications between Chertoff then U.S. Attorney in New Jersey and the then head of the FBI Louis Freeh.
Note: Louis Freeh was more concerned about protecting his own FBI Informants aka foreign intelligence agents than protecting the USA. Freeh spent over seven years blackmailing former President Clinton on behalf of the Bush Crime Syndicate.
Freeh’s major objective was to blackmail Clinton and utilize criminal box independent counsel Kenneth Starr to frame then Vice-President Albert Gore (now the duly elected U.S. President) for making a phone call from the wrong room.
P.S. CONNECT THE DOTS AND DISMANTLE THE BOX. It gets worse, of course. It should be important to note again that it was Chertoff, who in 2001 was then Assistant Attorney-General and compromised FBI Director and punk Louis Freeh, that allowed the 9-11 Urban Moving Systems Dancing Israeli New Jersey gang to go free and escape interrogation vis a vis their role and knowledge of 9-11.
PPS – As of July 2001 both Democrats and Republicans in the U.S. Congress had received briefings from then CIA Director George Tenet that major Arab Terror Cells on the East Coast linked to Osama Bin Laden and Mohammed Atta had actually been infiltrated and compromised by the Israeli Mossad.
It can now be reported that one of the Democrats aware of the Israeli infiltration of the Arab Terror Cells was none other than Bush’s third cousin John Skull & Bones Kerry-Cohn aka Bush’s 2004 Election Patsy.
Question: Can we assume now that Kerry knew about 9-11 before he learned he was half-Jewish? Well just call David Frum. He will figure it out.
So what did Bush know and when did he know it?
And Bushfraud and Chertoff ignored the warnings and allowed what now can be clearly seen as a British-Israeli 9-11 Black Op to go forward and assassinate 3,000 Americans in New York. All you have to do is connect the dots in this criminal box.
Stay Tuned More To Come Tonight linking Chertoff to P-Tech Software and the actual compromising of the American Defense Shield on Sept. 11/01.
Source: The Birdman
Cyborg Flying Rats Invade China
The People’s Daily Online reports that scientists in China have successfully used brain implants in pigeons to control the birds’ movement:
Scientists with the Robot Engineering Technology Research Center of east China’s Shandong University of Science and Technology say they implanted micro electrodes in the brain of a pigeon so they can command it to fly right or left or up or down.
The implants stimulated different areas of the pigeon’s brain according to signals sent by the scientists via computer, and forced the bird to comply with their commands.
“It’s the first such successful experiment on a pigeon in the world,” said the lead researcher, who hopes the work will have “practical use” in the future.
In the United States, similar work on animals has been of interest to the military. For example, the pigeon news follows the equally amusing animal tale about the Pentagon’s attempts at creating remote controlled shark spies. Like the Chinese pigeon experiment, the sharks had brain implants used to control their movements.
But don’t hold your breath waiting for animal spies to roam the world anytime soon. One of the most infamous would-be animal espionage projects, dubbed Acoustic Kitty, dates back to the 1960s, when the CIA wired a furry feline to eavesdrop. On its trial run, the cat was run over by a car.
— Sharon Weinberger
UPDATE: Noah here. Sharon, as an Iowa girl, may be able to look at this development with detached amusement. I, for one, am outraged. Those of us growing up in New York know that there is nothing nastier than the swarming, disease-ridden, flying rats who turn every public place into a fight for room to breathe. Now China is looking to engineer a fleet of cyborg pigeon slaves? Damn them. And damn those old ladies who feed the pigeons, in the first place.