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BotCast #7, 4 janvier 2007. Je parle de mon expérience avec mon nouveau iPod, et de la parade du Père Noël en novembre. Benoit Campeau revient avec une autre de ses belles compositions, ainsi qu’une requête d’un épais pour du tech support de MMO.
BotCast-0007.mp3 BotCast-0007.pls SHOW NOTES
Break: Benoit Campeau, Everything that goes up
OutTro: Breeze, The Unreal Thing
Remerciements: www.Simple-Net.ca et les Ameublements Borg
-Show number 7
-Date Jeudi 4 janvier 2007
– Ameublements borgs: belles chaises en cube, belles tables en cubes, un
sofa en cube allongé, et pour la chambre, un beau set de lit en Borg Sphere.
Le BotCast with cheese – Rosa Parks elle attendait après le nouveau
Silverado 2007, parce qu’il y a seulement des bancs avants, pas de bancs
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-#quebec-sans-dictature sur undernet gang de paranos geles…. avaient peur
que mon link était un virus… .ayoye. Je m’attendais à un groupe
activiste, mais on dirait un groupe qui veut juste se droguer.
-demarreur a distance 2 pieds a cote du char
-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de Benoit Campeau, Everything that goes up, 5m05
*–Game Tech Support requests:
-parade noel en novembre…. En novembre sti
-sondage pour appreciation de la parade…. Vient darriver. C’est pas pour
etre antisocial. Tu me sors de la parade pour me demander pour mon
appreciation. Je peux la regarder la parade?
-aime ca regarder les femmes cadet de police…oh yeah
-pu grand monde font leur propre musique dans la parade, c’est juste du
-white guys doing chinese druming. C’est correct, mais bizarre
-cpe immaculee conception. Est bonne
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Tune: The Unreal Thing
Artist: Breeze
Group: Capacala
Year: Mars 1995
From demo: The Unreal Thing
Duration: 4:37
Type: S3m
Channels: 16
Samples: 39
Size: 1164K
Patterns: 31, 31 different, 11 unused
Send An Email To Yourself in 2036! (Send it now, recieve
http://futureme.org/ automatically sends you an email of what you said on
whatever date you specify. For examply i could send my self an email
reminding me to get married in 2036!
Wal-Mart se voit comme un agent de développement économique
son arrivée chez Wal-Mart, il y a 18 mois, Sylvain Prud’homme, devenu depuis
vice-président aux opérations de Wal-Mart Canada, considérait que cette
multinationale bouleversait le commerce local et menait la vie dure à ses
fournisseurs. Il se dit maintenant convaincu du contraire.
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/21/118655.html
Ne parlez pas sans elle!
— On savait que les troupes conservatrices de Stephen Harper étaient
allergiques aux médias, mais pas au point de porter sur elles une carte
«Média Alerte»! Suite du texte réservée aux
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/21/118674.html
Online guitar archive shut down. Freedom of speech? What’s
guitarist who has ever used the internet knows Olga.net
<http://olga.net/>was an amazing resource for budding musicians. It
has been shut down. Why?
“Copyright Infringement” Why else?
U.S. Will Hunt Bin Laden in Pakistan If Necessary, Bush
who has faced opposition from Islamist groups for supporting the
U.S.-ledwar on terrorism, said his government would oppose any
U.S. action in Pakistan.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
Jewish rabbi calls for extermination of all Palestinian
rabbi Yousef Falay, who dwells at the Yitzhar settlement on illegally seized
Palestinian land in the northern part of the West Bank, wrote an article in
a Zionist magazine under the title “Ways of War”, in which he called for the
killing of all Palestinian males refusing to flee their country, describing
his idea as the practical way to ensure the non-existence of the Palestinian
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
MPAA Hires Dogs To Sniff Out Illegal
time, Hollywood really has gone to the dogs.
The job for Lucky and Flo will be to sniff out optical discs in luggage or
other containers, and stop the discs from getting to manufacturing plants
where they can be reproduced.
Panne d’inspiration <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/22/118697.html>Hollywood
est en panne d’inspiration, ce n’est plus un secret pour personne. En
témoigne depuis quelques années la panoplie de remakes inutiles (Poseidon,
The Omen, Wicker Man) et de vaines adaptations de séries télévisées
(Charlie’s Angels, S.W.A.T., Mission: Impossible), toutes destinées à
produire des sequels et des produits dérivés, toutes destinées à enrichir
les actionnaires des conglomérats auxquels les studios appartiennent.
Jusqu’ici, rien de nouveau. Suite du texte réservée aux
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/22/118697.html
Un dessin animé humoristique sur Hitler crée la
nouveau dessin animé montrant une caricature d’Adolf Hitler, circulant sur
les téléphones portables et sur Internet, suscite en Allemagne une
controverse autour de la représentation humoristique de l’ancien dictateur
nazi. Suite <http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/22/118712.html>
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/09/22/118712.html
Iran’s KOLCHUGA antenna device passively detects stealth planes 800
Km away<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>Iran’s
KOCHULGA antenna device passively detects stealth planes 800 Km away, making
the billions of Dollars spent on stealth technology and the AWACS planes
(600km detection range) utterly useless. In addition, being passive, it
cannot be detected, so the targeted plane(s) are unaware of detection and
have nothing to home in to destroy the equipment made by Ukraine….
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
*AT&T lets you spy on your own home,
Filed under: Cellphones <http://www.engadget.com/category/cellphones/>,
Household <http://www.engadget.com/category/household/>,
has just announced a home monitoring
that you can spy on your kids / housemates / spouse / pets while
out and about in the wider world. For a one-time fee of $200, AT&T will sell
you an “equipment package” that contains a tilt-and-pan video camera, a
motion sensor for a door / window, a “central router” to connect those
devices to the interweb, and “two power modules that enable device
connectivity via home power outlets.” (And shipping you all that to your
door will cost you another Hamilton, don’t forget.) Further, as you might
expect, you can program various alerts or triggers (like turning on a light)
if motion is detected. So for all of that (which will still cost you $10 per
month to operate), how do you view pictures of people trying to do damage to
your domicile? Well, the system transmits over the internet at 3-7fps or if
you’re viewing it on your Cingular handset, between a paltry 1fps or up to a
smokin’ 3fps (if you have HSDPA). However, *The Associated Press* provides
one last caveat, though: “The system won’t work if the power fails.” Thanks,
[Via The Associated
this <http://www.engadget.com/forward/691454/> | Linking
BOLD MOVES: THE FUTURE OF FORD A new documentary series. Be part of the
transformation as it happens in real-time
URL: http://feeds.engadget.com/~r/weblogsinc/engadget/~3/42247759/
*Court Ruling: RIAA CAN’T Examine People’s Hard
* Schell ruled that the defendant’s hard drive can only be examined by a
neutral forensics expert, not the RIAA’s own “experts”.
*Katherine Harris – “We’re all . . . Jewish
* This article ought to convince the most die-hard liberal supporters of
“israel’s right to exist” that israel doesn’t just want to ‘exist’ – it
wants to supercede OUR own right to exist in our own f*cking country. This
is by far, the most shameless and bloviating israeli *ss-kissing I have ever
seen by a member of this nation’s congress. THIS WOMAN OUGHT TO BE
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
*Steve Wozniak: Why I Carry $20,000 With Me At All
* “I’ve got about $20,000 on me at the moment, which is about the usual.
Cash has always appealed to me more as a means of payment than card”. Great
interview with Woz discussing his feelings towards finances.
*Blair issues terror plot warning
<http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>*Metropolitan Police Commissioner
Sir Ian Blair claims the UK is facing an
unparalleled and growing threat of a terrorist attack.However, he said there
was “no specific intelligence” about an imminent attack but the threat was
“ever present”.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
*’Corrie’ canceled in Canada <http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/>* When
James Nicola programmed it this year for the N.Y. Theatre Workshop, pressure
from Jewish board members caused him to cancel the show. It was eventually
produced Off-Broadway, where it ran from Oct. 15 to Dec. 17.But in a
situation eerily similar to the one that faced Nicola, it appears that
pressure has been brought upon Bragg from some of his board members not to
alienate the Toronto Jewish community.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
*Un bambin de deux ans attaqué par deux
* Un bambin se trouvait dans une condition stable dans un hôpital de
Hamilton, mardi, après avoir été sauvagement attaqué par deux Rottweilers,
le jour de Noël.
Les deux chiens ont attaqué le bambin sur un terrain de jeux — et l’un des
témoins de la scène a raconté que l’enfant avait eu une oreille arrachée et
subi de profondes lacérations au visage.
On ignore si le bambin était seul et pourquoi les chiens l’ont attaqué.
*Le PC a reçu des dons non
* Ottawa — Après des mois de dénégations véhémentes, le Parti conservateur
fédéral vient d’admettre, discrètement, qu’il a omis de divulguer la
réception de dons totalisant des centaines de milliers de dollars.
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/27/125871.html
*Gerald Ford forced to admit the Warren Report
* Thirty-three years ago, Gerald R. Ford took pen in hand and changed – ever
so slightly – the Warren Commission’s key sentence on the place where a
bullet entered John F. Kennedy’s body when he was killed in Dallas. The
effect of Ford’s change was to strengthen the commission’s conclusion that a
single bullet passed through Kennedy and severely wounded Texas Gov. John
Connally – a crucial element in its finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the
sole gunman.
URL: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/
*Loyers: Logemen’occupe tient aux
* Logemen’occupe dénonce la Corporation des propriétaires immobiliers du
Québec (CORPIQ), qui souhaite empêcher la publication des indices
d’ajustements de loyer.
Chaque année, en janvier, la Régie du logement du Québec rend publics des
indices, en pourcentages, afin d’aider les locataires à déterminer si
l’augmentation de loyer qui leur est proposée est justifiée.
*Dawson a ranimé le débat sur le contrôle des
* La récente fusillade qui a fait un mort et plusieurs blessés au collège
Dawson a ranimé en 2006 le débat sur l’enregistrement des armes à feu au
Les survivants et les parents des victimes ont vite rejoint les rangs des
personnes qui appuient la loi sur le contrôle des armes. Mais ceux qui
s’opposent à la loi ont été aussi rapides à signaler qu’elle n’avait pu
empêcher Kimveer Gill de s’armer et de se lancer à l’assaut du collège.
*Démission du directeur d’Elections
* Jean-Pierre Kingsley, qui s’est pendant des mois retrouvé impliqué dans un
différend avec le Parti conservateur du Canada (PCC), quitte son poste de
directeur général d’Elections Canada.
Les motifs de son départ n’ont pas été rendus publics.
L’annonce selon laquelle M. Kingsley quittera ses fonctions le 17 février,
après avoir occupé ce poste pendant 17 ans, a été faite jeudi par le cabinet
du premier ministre Stephen Harper.
*Lettres: Les biocarburants: de la
Récemment, le premier ministre Stephen Harper a dévoilé un volet de son
«plan vert», assorti de subventions de plusieurs centaines de millions de
dollars et visant à incorporer 10 % d’éthanol à l’essence d’ici 2010.
URL: http://www.ledevoir.com/2006/12/29/126051.html
Si l’utilisation de l’éthanol à des fins bachiques ne saurait être remise en
question, la preuve scientifique de la rentabilité énergétique, économique
et environnementale de l’utilisation de l’éthanol comme carburant est loin
d’être faite. En effet, produire de l’éthanol en quantité industrielle est
un processus complexe, très énergivore, polluant et qui requiert beaucoup de
labeur. Pour commencer, il faut produire, par exemple, du maïs… des
quantités phénoménales de maïs, une plante qui a beaucoup de feuillage et
peu de grains fermentables. Ce genre de culture requiert des surfaces
cultivables étendues, beaucoup d’eau, beaucoup d’engrais chimiques et
de pesticides. Il faut aussi faire fermenter
les grains dans un réacteur et distiller le moût obtenu pour en tirer
DATA= My name on another guy on my account was B*****, and apparently
youdecided to change
DATA= it and not grant my petition of keeping B*****. I will need to re-name
him asap to something
DATA= different, as the name you picked is totally gay
Mr. Hopkins,
Thank you for contacting the Care team.
Concerning your petition, if your name was changed, it’s because you
purposely chose not to respect the naming policy, so we had to rename it to
something else. And we do not rename characters with gay or otherwise
non-aggreable names. Your definition of “gay” does not apply in this case.
So before we change your name back, read the naming policy and next time you
click “I ACCEPT” and “PLAY”, you will know what you “accepted”. After that,
reply with many alternative names that each respect the naming policy, in
case that the one that you want is taken already. If your choices do not
respect the naming policy, your name will indefinitely be what it is now.
You can find more information about in our Faqs at Http:// <http://m/>
Please contact us again if you have any other problem.
Care team.
Le gars, je lui ai répondu une esti de longue réponse… Mais il faut
toujours rester poli et professionnel…
Donc le gars dit ceci:
DATA= Looking for an answer as to why i lost three Buildings that were under
protection. This is my
DATA= third day of trying for an answer please help
Ma réponse suit… elle est longue
* Subject* SB INGAME Game Stopping Issues * Discussion Thread* * Response
(* Time Hello again Mr. S,
Concerning your petition, please read — carefully — the following:
Here is your detailed petition history:
DATA= This lag is almost unberable i strike every 45 seconds or so please
reboot your server if its an
DATA= issue or roll back the patch this is crazy
RESPONSE: Closed because we can’t do anything about it.
DATA= My buildings that were Protected by my tree Were Not even fully built
and they are
DATA= Destroyed how is this possible HELLLPP
RESPONSE: Someone destroyed his building while they were in construction.
They can be destroyed before they hit R1
DATA= BUilding Protected by my tree Was Destroyed HELP
RESPONSE: canceled by customer.
DATA= Ya three of my town buildings that were being built and WERE protected
by tol were
DATA= destroyed I was told last night by a ccr that new buildings cannot be
protected while being
DATA= built but everyone in game says they can i NEED a clarification
RESPONSE: Greetings J!
Thank you for contacting the care team.
We apologize for the delay in responding to your petition. To further
clarify, buildings
that are under construction can not be protected by any Tree of Life and can
be destroyed.
We hope this helps you. Thanks for your patience and best of luck!
DATA= Hello i am having issues with my tree of life returning errors.
RESPONSE: canceled by customer.
DATA= Looking for an answer as to why i lost three Buildings that were under
protection. This is my
DATA= third day of trying for an answer please help
RESPONSE: This petition is the current one.
Ok, so after careful review of your petition history, you sent (excluding
this one) 5 petitions, 1 that we closed because server lag is not responded
to, (like mentioned when you send the petition); 2 petitions that two
different CCRs answered, both saying the same thing, and 2 that you yourself
canceled. This petition is a third concerning the same subject which will be
responded for the last time in the same manner that you were responded to
Your buildings that were in construction — are — destroyable, and that’s
what they were: destroyed. No building being constructed and on it’s way to
reach Rank 1 — cannot be protected — and — is destroyable –.
So even though you say that this is your third day trying to get an answer,
I can clearly see that you were given an answer, by two different CCRs
excluding myself, and for the third time saying the same thing.
I hope that I could finally answer your numerous petitions this time.
Thank you.
You can find more information in our Faqs at Http:// <http://m/>
Please contact us again if you have any other problem.
Care team. * Auto-Response* Standard Time Greetings!
Thank you for submitting an in-game incident. Please note that your incident
will be held in queue in the order by which it was received.
backlog and will slow down the response to your problem. You may be
contacted by a CCR in-game or via email.
In the mean time, if you find a solution to your problem, please update or
close your incident at http:// <http://p/>.
To learn more about using the Support system, please visit the tutorial:
Thank you,
CCR Team
*PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND to this email.
* Customer (Joe Spaziano)*
Status OPEN
Category Game Stopping Issues
Sub Category None
Language ENGLISH
Account Name m
Home World Scorn
Character Name Z
Character Zone Shattered Elven City
Character Loc
DATA= Looking for an answer as to why i lost three Buildings that were under
protection. This is my
DATA= third day of trying for an answer please help
* Question Reference #* *Date Created: * *Last Updated: * *
Status: * New *Operating System: * *Source: * In-Game
CCR Feols
Game Customer Care Representative