BotCast #15 – obbe (bleecermx)

BotCast #15 Des CowGirls sous attaque, des politiciens payés, des condoms trop grans pour l’Inde, le groupe Carlyle, du code avec des gros mots, et des armes fatales légalement introduites dans le métro. Pour écouter le cast en surround, visitez pour downloader le codec ou le Player surround. Joue dans tous les lecteurs MP3 sans surround. 4 juin 2007.

BotCast-0015.mp3 BotCast-0015.m3u,
Break: Benoit Campeau, Squeaky Clean (5:39),
OutTro: Esem, obbe (bleecermx), (4:40),
Remerciements: , et Les productions BWC



-Show number           15
-Date    4 juin 2007

–  TacticalFM



Le BotCast with cheese   –


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-Simple-Net promo
-Toune de         Benoit Campeau, Squeaky Clean, 5:39

–Game Tech Support requests:  

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Tune:             obbe (bleecermx)
Artist:              Esem (George Marinov)
Year:             2000
From demo:    
Duration:         4:40
Type:             MP3
Patterns: , ,  different





From demo:    
Patterns: , ,  different





Subject: Re: Les botcast


Cool ben merci de l’info, c’est apprécié :-). Si y’a quoi que ce soit, n’hésites-pas svp!

On 5/22/07, LastCall_ wrote:


eh bien maintenant j’écoute le show religieusement et ça je trouve ça
super. J’en manque pas un, jles load dans mon mp3 player pis j’écoute ça
en allant à la job.

La seul affaire que j’ai à dire sur les past show, c que l’utilité du
surround sound jla vois pas (jécoute ça dans mon mp3 player?) en juillet
jvas avoir un système 5.1 on s’en reparlera.. mais d’ici la jme dis que
c un talk show et pas Jurassic Park, hehe

Pour le futur il reste juste à voir ce que tacticalFM va changer dans
votre behavior.. à date jcrois pas que vous changez grand chose (j’ai
pas écouter le #14 encore), mais ce que j’ai peur c que ça vienne trop
politique sérieuse et moins conspiration et affaires marrantes.

Fak en bref, excellent show, le faite que vous soyez 2 est effectivement
ce qui manquait au Botcast au départ… ah pis j’adore les pubs du
début.. c’est en faite ce qui me rappelle quel show j’ai écouter ou pas,
ça la une utilité très pratique en plus d’être funny ;-)

Seul affaire qui me manque un peu c’est le “live”.. j’avoue que c’est
toffe avoir du monde qui écoute live, mais c’était ce qui me fesait
tripper un peu dans le temps.. faut croire qu’on est réellement rendu à
l’aire des podcasts.

Sur ce, keep on the good work ;-)


– Last


On 2007-05-22 16:31, wrote:
> Salut Last,
> tu m’avais donné tes commentaires sur le botcast #8, le premier qu’ont a
> fait ensemble Botrax et moi. Est-ce que t’a écouter les autres et si oui,
> que peux tu me dire pour améliorer le tout et tes commentaires si tu
> veux svp?
> Merci!!


decax says:
Le site web:
decax says:
decax says:
T’as l’option “Take the test” en haut à gauche
decax says:
Et la charte que ça va te donner, c’est ça:
decax says:



Subject: Botcast #14


Salutation à vous deux,


Dans votre Botcast #14 vous faisiez réfférence à un certain missile Russe dans le cadre des informations démontrant l’innefficassité du système anti-missiles. Il s’agit probablement d’une évolution du missile Topol SS27 dévoilé en 1997 par les Russes et qui contient plusieurs méchanismes autres que sa très grande vitesse.


Le Topol SS27 à continuer à évoluer par la suite et il est à noter qu’une première annonce de Vladimir Poutine en 2005 et une seconde quelque part en 2006 ont chacunes marqués une hausse de sa popularité dans la fédération de Russie.


Les derniers détails révèlent qu’une fois lancé le missile parcour sont trajet en changant continuellement de cap pour réduire l’anticipation de la cible exacte. En plus de sont système de brouillage, il peut également effectuer des esquives s’il détecte l’approche d’objet suceptibles de l’intercepter, déployer des leures et se diviser en 4 à 6 missiles selon le nombre de kilotonnes par ogives voulu.


Pour conclure, puisqu’il est évident que les anonces de Mr Poutine sont pour en mousser la vente, qui sont les intéressés? Il est déjà connu que les chinois produisent leur propre version nommé Dong Feng 41 (Vent de l’Est #41) avec l’assistance du Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology.












Subject: Grossière erreur dans un de vos articles




Dans l’article suivant « Le 30e anniversaire de Star Wars célébré à L.A. » disponible sur ce lien « », il y une erreur grossière erreur.


Dans le 7ème paragraphe, svp, veuillez corriger « DARK VADOR » pour DARTH VADOR ». Il m’apparaît évident que quelqu’un qui ne connais pas l’univers Star Wars ne devrais pas écrire d’article sur le sujet, mais bon, ce n’est pas mon choix.


Merci et bonne journée.


Is Alan Greenspan “DBCB”?

Former Fed chairman Alan Greenspan is now delivering a speech on the lecture circuit where he states that the housing bubble created under his watch at the Fed was really the result of the Berlin Wall coming down, and not because he pumped massive liquidity into the monetary system.


ZOG, again

Nancy Pelosi’s no dummy. She’s been outed as a crazed Zionist, so she can hardly go around placing other crazed Zionists in positions of power in order to finalize the Zionist Occupation Government. Total Israeli control over America can’t be allowed to be that obvious. Thus the head-fake over Murtha. By pretending to support John Murtha as majority leader, she managed to have crazed Zionist Steny Hoyer installed without a hint of Pelosi fingerprints on the maneuver.


Gingrich: US may be forced to reexamine freedom of speech

A former Republican Speaker of the House mulling a possible presidential run said that America may need to reexamine freedom of speech in order to prevent future terrorist attacks.


Bush says U.S. won’t pull out of Iraq

“There’s one thing I’m not going to do, I’m not going to pull our troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete,” he said in a speech setting the stage for high-stakes meetings with the Iraqi prime minister later this week. “We can accept nothing less than victory for our children and our grandchildren.”



what about Mission Accomplished?

British baroness chastised for ‘pro-Israel lobby’ comments

The leader of Britain’s Liberal Democrat party is considering recommendations to discipline and perhaps expel Baroness Jenny Tonge from the party’s membership in the House of Lords following comments she made last week on the power of the “pro-Israel lobby.”


FBI agent tried to run over anti-Zionist protestor

“He could have just rolled down his window and said, ‘I’m an FBI agent,’ and that would have been the end of it,” Ahmed said. “There was nothing improper going on.” Instead, according to Ahmed, the driver revved his engine threateningly and began pushing him backward with the car’s front bumper.


Dozens of armed police swoop on fancy dress cowgirls after reports of gun threat

Terrified teenagers Holly Spedding and Fatima Rupp were chased by dozens of police marksmen, tracked by hovering police choppers and hotly pursued by six police cars who thought the 19-year-olds were gun wielding felons. But when police, and their van loads of snarling dogs, finally cornered the duo after the motorway chase they discovered the angelic looking students were just drving home from a Wild West fancy dress party and the only gun they were carrying was a toy pistol.


University shuts down rather than allow holocaust revisionist to speak

An Italian university has closed down one of its campuses to prevent a planned lecture by a controversial French professor


Fiji declares war on bloggers and open internet access, click to help!

Military authorities in Fiji are cracking down on politically-active bloggers, and blocking access to the internet throughout the nation.


IRONY: Anti-Cellphone Senator Crashes while talking on CELLPHONE

Carole Migden — former voter on a state bill that fines people for using their cellphones while driving — rear-ended her state-issued SUV into a Honda sedan on Highway 12 in Solano County, today.


WinZip Serial Number Algorithm Found on NEW Google CodeSearch!!

Just by searching for “keygen”, “serial”, “name”, and some well known cracker groups you can come by the keygen sources (how serial numbers are generated) to some very popular programs. I found WinZip, Photoshop, mIRC, and a few others.


Swears in the Source Code

We all know programmers swear a lot. Google recently released the Google Code search, which searches through open source tarballs and zips, and tries to find the number of occurences of a specific query. Guess what this guy was looking for…


More Useful Than Woz Card: Business Card That Converts To Set Of Lockpicks

More useful than a Woz Card, is a business card that converts to a set of lockpicks.


Bush Changes Continuity Plan

Administration, Not DHS, Would Run Shadow Government

By Spencer S. Hsu

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, May 10, 2007; Page A12

President Bush issued a formal national security directive yesterday ordering agencies to prepare contingency plans for a surprise, “decapitating” attack on the federal government, and assigned responsibility for coordinating such plans to the White House.

The prospect of a nuclear bomb being detonated in Washington without warning, whether smuggled in by terrorists or a foreign government, has been cited by many security analysts as a rising concern since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


Hundreds Click on Google Ad Promising to Infect Their PCs
Best white hat scam of the month: security researcher Didier Stevens bought a Google ad six months ago that said, “Is your PC virus-free? Get it infected here!” 409 people clicked on the ad — people who would have been owned up or infested with malware had Stevens been a true scammer instead of a security geek with a weird sense of humor. Stevens writes:

During this [six month] period, my ad was displayed 259,723 times and clicked on 409 times. That’s a click-through-rate of 0.16%. My Google Adwords campaign cost me only €17 ($23). That’s €0.04 ($0.06) per click or per potentially compromised machine. 98% of the machines ran Windows (according to the User Agent string).

It’s hard to say whether people clicked on the ad because they assumed it was a joke, or because they simply misread it as an anti-virus ad. Still, the numbers are pretty scary. The other shocker here is that Google, which does quite a bit of policing on ad content, didn’t notice the scammy ad. Stevens says, “I designed my ad to make it suspect, but even then it was accepted by Google without problem and I got no complaints to date.” Apparently, he’s still running the ad, with slightly different experimental parameters. Can’t wait to see what he finds out next . . .

National ID: Biometrics Pinned to Social Security Cards


The Social Security card faces its first major upgrade in 70 years under two immigration-reform proposals slated for debate this week that would add biometric information to the card and finally complete its slow metamorphosis into a national ID.

The leading immigration proposal with traction in Congress would force employers to accept only a very limited range of approved documents as proof of work eligibility, including a driver’s license that meets new federal Real ID standards, a high-tech temporary work visa or a U.S. passport with an RFID chip. A fourth option is the notional tamper-proof biometric Social Security card, which would replace the text-only design that’s been issued to Americans almost without change for more than 70 years.


Condoms ‘too big’ for Indian men

By Damian Grammaticus
BBC News, Delhi

There is a “lack of awareness” over condom sizes

A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men.

The study found that more than half of the men measured had penises that were shorter than international standards for condoms.



Le huard touche 92 cents

22 mai 2007 – 09h12

Le dollar canadien reprend là où il avait laissé la semaine dernière.

À l’ouverture des marchés intérieurs, mardi matin, le dollar canadien valait 92,12 cents US, en hausse de 0,33 cent.

Plusieurs économistes croient que les deux monnaies seront à égalité d’ici un à deux ans.

La publication de résultats plus forts que prévu pour les ventes au détail, la solide performance économique du Canada en général et le prix élevé des ressources naturelles expliquent en partie cette hausse accélérée du huard.

L’augmentation anticipée des taux d’intérêt par la Banque du Canada y a aussi contribué.

La Banque du Canada se prononcera d’ailleurs sur les taux la semaine prochaine.


Los Angeles Times: Les États-Unis, premier marchand de canons de la planète

Personne ne semble y prêter trop d’attention, mais la principale exportation des États-Unis est également la plus meurtrière.

On ne nous a pas surnommé «la seule superpuissance» pour rien. Paul Wolfowitz est peut-être aujourd’hui à la recherche d’un nouveau boulot, mais le terme «hyperpuissance» qu’il utilisait pour décrire l’omniprésence de la puissance américaine du temps où il n’était que secrétaire adjoint à la Défense, reste tout à fait approprié.


La sous-traitance à l’étranger ne menacerait pas l’emploi

La croyance voulant que la sous-traitance de services à l’étranger ait un effet négatif marqué sur l’emploi au Canada ne serait pas avérée, estime une étude publiée mardi par Statistique Canada.




Le mardi 22 mai 2007

La sous-traitance à l’étranger ne menacerait pas l’emploi

Presse Canadienne

La croyance voulant que la sous-traitance de services à l’étranger ait un effet négatif marqué sur l’emploi au Canada ne serait pas avérée, estime une étude publiée mardi par Statistique Canada.



Taille du texte





La croyance voulant que la sous-traitance de services à l’étranger ait un effet négatif marqué sur l’emploi au Canada ne serait pas avérée, estime une étude publiée mardi par Statistique Canada.

«Rien ne porte à croire que les industries, dont une part relativement importante des professions était sujette à la délocalisation des services au milieu des années 1990, avaient récemment vu ralentir la croissance de leur effectif comparativement aux autres industries», conclut l’étude réalisée entre 1987 et 2006.


Government overrules war-crimes arrest order

Attorney-General Michael Cullen has over-ruled a District Court judge’s decision to issue an arrest warrant against a visiting former Israeli general the judge believed was answerable for Middle East war crimes.



Phoenix Motorcars intros a truly plug-and-play car

Filed under: Transportation


A new documentary series. Be part of the transformation as it happens in real-time

Office Depot Featured Gadget: Xbox 360 Platinum System Packs the power to bring games to life!


SAS men get £100,000 to bribe Iraqi fighters

British Army officers in Iraq are being handed stashes of up to £100,000 in cash for “operational expenses” without formal controls on how it is spent.


DHS official admits taking bribes to fake documents

A federal immigration official pleaded guilty Thursday to receiving more than $600,000 in bribes for falsifying documents for illegal immigrants.


Newsweek: Gov’t. motion to silence Padilla defense

U.S. citizen Jose Padilla was infamously accused by John Ashcroft of wanting to set off a “dirty bomb” for Al Queda. After being held incommunicado in solitary confinement for three years, and tortured, the government dropped the bomb charge and now wants to put him away on vague charges of supporting terrorism. But, as Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball report, the government wants to silence Padilla’s attorneys, not allowing them to bring up Padilla’s treatment by the government, and not allowing public testimony of any kind, in the name of “national security” (of course).


US may waive Israeli visa requirement

Israelis may no longer have to apply for visas to visit the US under bills before both houses of Congress.


9/11 Toxic Dust: Official Who Knowingly Lied Refuses To Testify

The former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, who knowingly lied and signed off on falsified scientific research on the toxicity of the air in the aftermath of 9/11, has refused a request by Rep. Jerrold Nadler that she testify before a congressional hearing on the federal government’s response to be tabled later this month.


Police get new powers to evict anti-social residents from their own homes

Officers in England and Wales will be allowed to temporarily throw out nuisance neighbours, whether they are council tenants, private renters or even own the properties.


Armed police raid home after mistaking Lara Croft dummy for gunman

Armed officers burst into the house, shouted at the owner to lie on the floor, and ordered him to surrender his weapon. But efficiency turned to embarrassment when the “gunman” turned out to be a life-sized model of the video game character Lara Croft, complete with trademark outsized pistols.


The Idolatry of Judeo-Christianity

The death of the Reverend Jerry Falwell gives us a moment to contemplate that sinister movement within Protestant evangelicalism deemed “Zionist” and to reflect on the deconstruction it has wrought on true Christianity. Falwell, Hagee and other clerics have whole-heartedly supported this movement and given it both moral and financial backing. This is the sad reality of modern evangelical and fundamentalist thought, or in this case, lack of thought or genuine reflection.


Not a question,


I just want to complement the development team on a job well done. The

game playability is very nice. The game is allot of fun to play up to leve

25 or so. But I have decided to go back to Everquest for one simple

reason. I can’t enjoy a game and all it has to offer when all I do is

watch the my character die over and over because of player killers. These

types of people seem to be everywhere in this game and that is

unfortunate. But it is a nice game and a worthy attempt at competing with





Tim Ketner

On Dec. 29, 1977, Christians in Israel and the occupied territories protested a new law passed by the Israeli parliament…


FLASHBACK: Rumsfeld sold North Korea 2 nuclear power plants


U.S. Rules Allow the Sale of Products Others Ban



Bush met with Dobson and conservative Christian leaders to rally support for Iran policy

President George W. Bush met privately with Focus on the Family Founder and Chairman James Dobson and approximately a dozen Christian right leaders last week to rally support for his policies on Iraq, Iran and the so-called “war on terror.”

Plusieurs des 133 agents du SPVM qui patrouilleront sous peu le métro seront munis de pistolets électriques communément appelés «pistolets Taser».

Pour la première fois à Montréal, des policiers utiliseront cette arme controversée dans le cadre de leurs patrouilles quotidiennes.


Le coroner rappelle l’importance d’être prudent près des lignes électriques

Les campagnes de sensibilisation appelant les citoyens à être prudents près des lignes électriques demeurent essentielles car il semble qu’on ne le rappelle jamais assez.



e mercredi 16 mai 2007

Le coroner rappelle l’importance d’être prudent près des lignes électriques

Presse Canadienne


Les campagnes de sensibilisation appelant les citoyens à être prudents près des lignes électriques demeurent essentielles car il semble qu’on ne le rappelle jamais assez.



Taille du texte





C’est ce qu’il faut conclure à la lecture du rapport du coroner Jacques Ramsay sur le décès accidentel d’un émondeur, Christian Vallières, 48 ans, qui est mort électrocuté le 5 juin 2006 à Cowansville en Montérégie.

Washington, une nuit. Deux responsables de la Maison-Blanche arrivent au chevet d’un ministre en soins intensifs pour lui faire signer un document illégal. Lors d’une audition mardi au Sénat, un ancien adjoint du ministre a décrit la pire soirée de sa carrière.

Ce soir du 10 mars 2004, James Comey, alors numéro deux du ministère de la Justice, assurait l’intérim du ministre de l’époque, John Ashcroft, qui avait subi la veille une ablation de la vésicule biliaire.


All Pregnant Women Tested Had At Least One Kind Of Pesticide In Their Placenta, According To Researcher

Human beings are directly responsible for more than 110,000 chemical substances which have been generated since the Industrial Revolution. Every year, we “invent” more than 2,000 new substances, most of them contaminants, which are emitted into the environment and which are consequently present in food, air, soil and water. Nonetheless, human beings are also victims of these emissions, and involuntarily (what is known in this scientific field as “inadvertent exposure”). Every day humans ingest many of these substances which cannot be assimilated by our body, and are accumulated in the fatty parts of our tissues.



All Pregnant Women Tested Had At Least One Kind Of Pesticide In Their Placenta, According To Researcher

Science Daily Human beings are directly responsible for more than 110,000 chemical substances which have been generated since the Industrial Revolution. Every year, we “invent” more than 2,000 new substances, most of them contaminants, which are emitted into the environment and which are consequently present in food, air, soil and water. Nonetheless, human beings are also victims of these emissions, and involuntarily (what is known in this scientific field as “inadvertent exposure”). Every day humans ingest many of these substances which cannot be assimilated by our body, and are accumulated in the fatty parts of our tissues.

21 Questions to Determine if You’re a Stupid Computer User

Should you stay away from a computer? Take this test to prove just how stupid you really are. Then unplug and go read a book.



 1. Do you proclaim, out loud, your three year old knows more about computers than you do?
2. Are you still looking for the “Any Key”?
3. Do you really think you win something for being the 421,232th visitor?
4. Is your only solution to call the family “computer geek”?
5. Do you call the thing above the 8 a snowflake?
6. Is Netscape 4.7 your default browser?
7. Do you believe that the Firefox people are talking about is the 1982 movie about a really cool jet?
8. Do the blinking ads compel you to click?
9. Are your passwords on a sticky note on your monitor?
10. Do you ignore those messages that tell your anti-virus subscription has expired?
11. Is your home network’s name “linksys”?
12. Do you not believe in a firewall?
13. Have you paid for any Geek Squad services?
14. Do you anxiously open every attachment in your email?
15. When someone is explaining something technical, do you dismiss it as “computer talk”?
16. Do you think you can get a free iPod for filling out your zip code?
17. Do you believe the IT people have magical powers?
18. Do you have a collection of AOL discs?
19. Have you hit your monitor when your computer gave an error?
20. Do you still the think the Internet is a fad?
21. When someone asks what’s wrong with your computer, do you respond with, “It’s running slow”?


Carlyle Group

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Carlyle Group is a Washington, D.C. based global private equity investment firm with more than $56 billion of equity capital under management.[1] The firm operates four fund families, focusing on leveraged buyouts, venture & growth capital, real estate and leveraged finance investments. The firm employs more than 395 investment professionals in 18 countries with several offices in North America, Europe and Asia; its portfolio companies employ 200,000 people worldwide. The academic qualifications of its staff include 160 MBAs, 28 JDs and 14 Ph.D/MDs from many of the world’s most prestigious universities. Carlyle has over 1000 investors in 57 countries.



  • 1 Origin
  • 2 Specialization
  • 3 Current portfolio and major acquisitions
  • 4 Controversy
  • 5 Notable current and former employees and affiliated persons
    • 5.1 Business
    • 5.2 Politics and public service
    • 5.3 Other
  • 6 See also
  • 7 References
  • 8 Further reading
  • 9 External links
    • 9.1 Criticism

[edit] Origin

Carlyle was founded in 1987 by William E. Conway, Jr., Daniel A. D’Aniello, Stephen L. Norris, Greg A. Rosenbaum, and David M. Rubenstein[2]. Rosenbaum left in 1987[3]

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